Sunday, January 17, 2016

When our ways please God.....

January 16, 2016

When our ways please God….

Proverbs 16:7
When a man’s ways please the Lord,
He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him.

Matthew Henry concise commentary
He that has all hearts in his hand, can make a man's enemies to be at peace with him

Miyagi’s commentary
If you are a true believer, you will have enemies.  If the whole world likes you, it is probably because you are already conformed into this world and you are no threat to the kingdom of darkness.  For one who is following Christ and adhering to His Word, and walking the straight and narrow, the devil will attack and with severe blows.  But praise be to God.  We have the protection of the almighty God.  We are not at the mercy of the devil.  We are in God’s hands, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  

In the above Scripture, it says that if our ways please God, He makes even our enemies to be at peace with us.  How great is that!  With God, all things are possible.  There is something disarming about the ways of God.  Ever heard of the phrase “kill them with kindness?”  Yes, in this world, an eye for an eye is the natural reaction to any negative situation.  If one throws a punch, the other will return the punch….just like two 6 year olds.   But if your enemy is thirsty and you give him a glass of ice tea, he doesn’t  know what to do with you.  You have just “heap burning coals on his head” (Romans 12:20).  You have just met a need and he is caught off-guard.  He cannot continue to hate you because you have just blessed him.  At best, they do nothing.  They cannot because they are still wondering why you have shown them kindness.  They remain at peace with you.  Talk about turning the world upside down.  God’s ways are polar opposite from the world’s way. And God’s ways are the best.  

Summary conclusion:
In Luke 6:35, it says that Jesus is kind to the unthankful and the evil.  And by doing this, mercy is been shown to one who does not deserve it.  Our enemies do not deserve kindness from us.  But by us being kind to them, we show them Jesus.  

Psalms 5:12
For You, O Lord, bless the righteous man [the one who is in right standing with You];   You surround him with favor as with a shield.

Matthew Henry concise commentary
Verses 7-12 David prayed often alone, yet was very constant in attendance on public worship. The mercy of God should ever be the foundation both of our hope and of our joy, in every thing wherein we have to do with him. Let us learn to pray, not for ourselves only, but for others; grace be with all that love Christ in sincerity. The Divine blessing comes down upon us through Jesus Christ, the righteous or just One, as of old it did upon Israel through David, whom God protected, and placed upon the throne. Thou, O Christ, art the righteous Saviour, thou art the King of Israel, thou art the Fountain of blessing to all believers; thy favour is the defence and protection of thy church.

Miyagi’s commentary:
So if we are being led by His righteousness, He will make our enemies to be at peace with us.  That is favor from God.  When we have favor with God, we have favor with everyone…..even our enemies.  So following God’s righteousness may be to rebuke our enemies or just be at peace with them.  

Summary conclusion:
Being pleasing to God leads to having favor with all, including our enemies.

The Big Picture:
If we take care to walk in God’s way, He will take care of our enemies, one way or another.

The Byword:  Following the ways of God reaps big dividends wherever we go.


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