Learn to Discern
Proverbs 2:4, 11, 12
4 If you seek skillful and godly wisdom as you would silver
And search for her as you would hidden treasures;
11 Discretion will watch over you,
Understanding and discernment will guard you,
12 To keep you from the way of evil and the evil man,
From the man who speaks perverse things;
Vines Dictionary defines “discernment” as "determining the excellence or defects of a person or thing,”
Note: It must be measured against the highest standard. In order for this person, place or thing to have eminence, the Lord Jesus Christ is the standard because He is preeminent (surpassing all other standards) above all things.
Matthew Henry Concise Commentary --
Verses 1-9 Those who earnestly seek heavenly wisdom, will never complain that they have lost their labour; and the freeness of the gift does not do away the necessity of our diligence, Joh. 6:27 . Let them seek, and they shall find it; let them ask, and it shall be given them. Observe who are thus favoured. They are the righteous, on whom the image of God is renewed, which consists in righteousness. If we depend upon God, and seek to him for wisdom, he will enable us to keep the paths of judgment.
Verses 10-22 If we are truly wise, we shall be careful to avoid all evil company and evil practices. When wisdom has dominion over us, then it not only fills the head, but enters into the heart, and will preserve, both against corruptions within and temptations without. The ways of sin are ways of darkness, uncomfortable and unsafe: what fools are those who leave the plain, pleasant, lightsome paths of uprightness, to walk in such ways! They take pleasure in sin; both in committing it, and in seeing others commit it. Every wise man will shun such company. True wisdom will also preserve from those who lead to fleshly lusts, which defile the body, that living temple, and war against the soul. These are evils which excite the sorrow of every serious mind, and cause every reflecting parent to look upon his children with anxiety, lest they should be entangled in such fatal snares. Let the sufferings of others be our warnings. Our Lord Jesus deters from sinful pleasures, by the everlasting torments which follow them. It is very rare that any who are caught in this snare of the devil, recover themselves; so much is the heart hardened, and the mind blinded, by the deceitfulness of this sin. Many think that this caution, besides the literal sense, is to be understood as a caution against idolatry, and subjecting the soul to the body, by seeking any forbidden object. The righteous must leave the earth as well as the wicked; but the earth is a very different thing to them. To the wicked it is all the heaven they ever shall have; to the righteous it is the place of preparation for heaven. And is it all one to us, whether we share with the wicked in the miseries of their latter end, or share those everlasting joys that shall crown believers?
Miyagi’s commentary --
God has taught me awhile back that people don’t always say what they mean and they don’t always mean what they say. That means you can’t believe everything that people tell you. And discernment is needed to find out the truth. When asked a question, many people will give a politically correct answer or an answer that is acceptable or sounds good to the ear. So to get an understanding about any person or matter, God has taught me to ask Him these three questions when faced with any given situation.
- What do I see? (observation)
- What does this mean? (interpretation)
- What do I do? (application)
I have learned to transcend beyond the surface, the obvious. Many believers are hiding behind a facade. It is because of sin. And others who blurts out answers too readily reveals the true condition of their hearts… poor, wretched, and blind. You can learn alot about a person by watching how he respond or react to any given situation. If he is operating in the flesh, he will react impulsively. If he is operating in the Spirit, he will respond with wisdom. And wisdom doesn’t come overnight. It takes time to cultivate.
Discernment is a virtue because it helps you to distinguish between the good from the evil. We are to cling to the good and abhor evil. This includes people who profess to be Christians but are not true followers of Christ. They have a different agenda altogether. So we are to be careful who we fellowship with. Ephesian 5:11 (Amp) tells us:
“Do not participate in the worthless and unproductive deeds of darkness, but instead expose them [by exemplifying personal integrity, moral courage, and godly character];”
So when a person profess to be a believer but exhibits “flesh” behaviors such as manipulation, control, coarse joking about sin, condoning or tolerating sin, it’s a red flag. We can minister to them, but we cannot fellowship with them. True fellowship simply cannot take place where there is darkness.
Summary conclusion:
Exercising discernment regarding people, places, and things is wisdom.
Psalms 119:66 Amp
Teach me good judgment (discernment) and knowledge, For I have believed and trusted and relied on Your commandments.
Matthew Henry Concise commentary
Verses 65-72 However God has dealt with us, he has dealt with us better than we deserve; and all in love, and for our good. Many have knowledge, but little judgment; those who have both, are fortified against the snares of Satan, and furnished for the service of God. We are most apt to wander from God, when we are easy in the world. We should leave our concerns to the disposal of God, seeing we know not what is good for us. Lord, thou art our bountiful Benefactor; incline our hearts to faith and obedience. The psalmist will go on in his duty with constancy and resolution. The proud are full of the world, and its wealth and pleasures; these make them senseless, secure, and stupid. God visits his people with affliction, that they may learn his statutes. Not only God's promises, but even his law, his percepts, though hard to ungodly men, are desirable, and profitable, because they lead us with safety and delight unto eternal life.
Miyagi’s commentary
So with discernment, we will not easily fall victim into the devil’s schemes. The devil will endlessly tempt a believer to sin. And sin leads to death. And that is why many people die prematurely. They have bought the lie. They fall into a sinful lifestyle and they remain in that lifestyle until the penalty of sin takes effect. The Bible tells us “the wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23), and the verse goes on to tell us ”but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord.” So when people remain in sin, they die before their time...first spiritually, then physically.
Discernment is good judgement. It is different from knowledge. Just as Matthew Henry stated above, you can have knowledge and still lack discernment. We need both knowledge and discernment. We need both wisdom and understanding. If you seek earnestly for these things, you will never fall victim to the devil’s schemes. You will be safe in Christ because you are fortified with the truth.
Summary conclusion:
With discernment, you will never fall victim to the devil’s lies.
Miyagi’s commentary continues --
In the book of Philippians, the apostle Paul gives us an illustration for today’s devotion. In Phil 3:10-16, Paul is exhorting the believers to know Jesus Christ. In verse 17, his message is that we must know Jesus Christ. He is exhorting us to press onto perfection. Per verses 17-21, in application of using discernment, the apostle Paul is giving a warning: There are many who are so-called walking with Christ, but they are really the enemies of the cross of Christ.
Here is a checklist to know who are the enemies of the cross of Christ (Phil 3:18-19):
- Their god is their belly. It is hard to hide a large gut belly. This is evidence of the sin of gluttony.
- Their glory is in their shame. It is quite grievous to hear the testimony of one who glorifies in his sin from the past or present.
- They mind the things of the earth. They place high importance on earthly matters. But those who are walking with Christ speak of heavenly things, the eternal things.
If a person wants to share about how Jesus transformed his life, his testimony ought to glorify God, telling of God’s goodness and how He save him from a life of sin. It should not be a rambling on of his shameful past, glorifying his sin. Paul is cautioning the Body of Christ what to look out for and watch out for. It is shameful to observe the behavior and testimony of some so-called believers. Many of them boast of their sin, jesting and making light of it.
The Big Picture
Wisdom is using discernment to distinguish between good and evil. Sometimes, the evil that is standing in front of you is not that obvious. But with discernment, your eyes will open. You will be able to see. And then you will have victory over sin and the devil every time.
Byword: Discernment is righteous judgement.
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