Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Can you see?

January 11, 2016

Can you see?

Proverbs 11:8 AMP
The righteous is rescued from trouble,
And the wicked takes his place.

Matthew Henry concise commentary
The righteous are often wonderfully kept from going into dangerous situations, and the ungodly go in their stead.

Miyagi’s commentary
I often read in the Bible about how the righteous are delivered from troubles and the wicked walk right into it.  When a believer is obedient to God and follows His ways, he is often times kept safe from harm, deception, and wickedness.  The devil can tempt but he cannot force a person to do wrong.  But God has given us an agency of choice.  We have the ability to choose between right and wrong.  And often times, the choice for evil will bring a person many troubles.   

Whenever I am faced with a negative situation, I always transcend it into kingdom realm.  God has taught me to do that a long time ago.  Instead of taking each situation in the obvious, He taught me to go beyond that.  And many times, what is really going on is not what is in front of me.  Amazing how the Holy Spirit can give revelations and understanding regarding different matters.  To have understanding is to know the truth about a matter. Two people can look at the same situation and interpret it differently.  The one with understanding will see beyond the obvious.  The one without will only see what is in front of him.   Jesus said in Matthew 13:16:

“But blessed are your eyes for they see, and your ears for they hear; 17 for assuredly, I say to you that many prophets and righteous men desired to see what you see, and did not see it,and to hear what you hear, and did not hear it.”  

This is why Jesus talks in parable so many times in the New Testament.  For those who are seeking truth, they find it in the parables.  For everyone else, it is just another nice story.

Summary conclusion:
A true follower of Jesus Christ will walk in His righteousness and that righteousness will protect him from harm.

Psalm 34:17
When the righteous cry [for help], the Lord hears
And rescues them from all their distress and troubles.

Matthew Henry concise commentary
It is the constant practice of real believers, when in distress, to cry unto God, and it is their constant comfort that he hears them.

Miyagi’s commentary
Did you see that?  When the righteous cry out, the Lord hears them.  You have to be righteous to be heard by God and rescued by Him.  He will not hear the wicked nor answer their cry.  People blame God everyday for their calamity.  What they failed to see is that because they are wicked in their ways and they do not seek God’s righteousness, they bring trouble to themselves.  They are their own demise.  The righteous is free from that because they follow Jesus.  And Jesus will always protect those who are His own.  He never promised to protect the wicked.   Membership has its privileges.  When you are a member of God’s family, you get provision, protection, guidance and all the benefits and rewards that comes with being a true follower of Christ.  When you are not a member of God’s family, you get trouble, poverty, constant strife and stress.  See the difference?

Summary conclusion
If you want protection from God, join His family.  Accept His Son Jesus Christ as Lord and savior.  If not, you are on your own.

Hab 2:4
“Look at the proud one,
His soul is not right within him,
But the righteous will live by his faith [in the true God]

Romans 1:17
For in the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed, both springing from faith and leading to faith [disclosed in a way that awakens more faith]. As it is written and forever remains written, “The just and upright shall live by faith.”

From faith to faith, you will see.  The righteousness come from faith in Jesus Christ.

So how does a person see?  It is by faith.
Here in Job 41 is the biblical description of the wicked, which describes the condition of a prideful person.  Those who can see by faith in Jesus Christ will be set free and kept clear of this king over all the children of pride...the leviathan.  Praise the Lord !!!  Those who live by faith in Jesus Christ are saved and delivered from the children of pride, the leviathan. Pride is the key sin of the wicked.  The wicked is full of pride. It was this same pride that the mighty angel Lucifer rose up and said to God, “I will be just like you and better.”   Therefore, the just shall live by faith in Jesus and become righteous before God.  This imputed righteousness is a free gift, but many refuse and choose to follow man to get revelation knowledge about God.  That is why they chase pastors across town and/or on television to get second-hand revelation.  They either refuse to or is unable to move from grace and mercy towards glory to glory.  

Job 41   AMP
1 “Can you draw out leviathan with a fishhook?
Or press down his tongue with a cord?
2 “Can you put a rope [made] of rushes into his nose
Or pierce his jaw through with a hook?
3  “Will he make many supplications to you [begging to be spared]?
Or will he speak soft words to you [to coax you to treat him kindly]?
4  “Will he make a covenant or an arrangement with you?
Will you take him for your servant forever?

5 “Will you play with him as with a bird?
Or will you bind him [and put him on a leash] for your maidens?
6 “Will traders bargain over him?
Will they divide him up among the merchants?
7 “Can you fill his skin with harpoons,
Or his head with fishing spears?
8 “Lay your hand on him;
Remember the battle [with him]; you will not do such [an ill-advised thing] again!

9 “Behold, his [assailant’s] hope and expectation [of defeating Leviathan] is false;
Will not one be overwhelmed even at the sight of him?
10 “No one is so fierce [and foolhardy] that he dares to stir up Leviathan;
Who then is he who can stand before Me [or dares to contend with Me, the beast’s creator]?
11 “Who has first given to Me that I should repay him?
Whatever is under the whole heaven is Mine. [Who can have a claim against Me who made the unmastered beast?]
12 “I will not keep silence concerning his limbs,
Nor his mighty strength, nor his orderly frame.

13 “Who can penetrate or strip off his outer armor?
Who can come to his jaws with a double bridle?
14 “Who can open the doors (jaws) of his face?
Around his [open jaws and] teeth there is terror.
15 “His strong scales are his pride,
Bound together as with a tight seal.
16 “One is so near to another
That no air can come between them.

17 “They are joined one to another;
They stick together and cannot be separated.
18 “His sneezes flash forth light,
And his eyes are like the [reddish] eyelids of the dawn.
19 “Out of his mouth go burning torches,
And sparks of fire leap out.
20 “Out of his nostrils smoke goes forth
As from a boiling pot and [as from] burning rushes.

21 “His breath kindles coals,
And a flame goes forth from his mouth.
22 “In Leviathan’s neck resides strength,
And dismay and terror dance before him.
23 “The folds of his flesh are joined together,
Firm on him and immobile [when he moves].
24 “His heart is as hard as a stone,
Indeed, as solid as a lower millstone.

25 “When he raises himself up, the mighty are afraid;
Because of the crashing they are bewildered.
26 “The sword that reaches him cannot avail,
Nor [does] the spear, the dart, or the javelin.
27 “He considers iron as straw,
Bronze as rotten wood.
28 “The arrow cannot make him flee;
Slingstones are treated as stubble by him.

29 “Clubs [also] are regarded as stubble;
He laughs at the rushing and the rattling of the javelin.
30  “His underparts are like sharp pieces of broken pottery;
He moves across and spreads out [grooves] like a threshing sledge on the mire (muddy river banks).
31 “He makes the deep water boil like a pot;
He makes the sea like a [foaming] pot of ointment.
32 “Behind him he makes a shining wake;
One would think the deep to be gray-haired [with foam].

33 “Upon earth there is nothing like him—no equal exists,
A creature made without fear.
34 “He looks on everything that is high [without terror];
He is monarch over all the sons of pride. [And now, Job, who are you who does not dare to disturb the beast, yet who dares resist Me, the beast’s creator? Everything under the heavens is Mine; therefore, who can have a claim against God?]”

The Big picture:
Can you see?  We see by faith in Christ. And He has given us the gospels to help us understand what we see.  Jesus said, blessed are your eyes for they see and your ears for they hear, because many desire to see and hear but they cannot. (Matt 13:16)   And that is why He speaks in parables.  Those who seek second-hand revelation from man simply cannot see.  And that is why they must rely on others.

God’s protection is only afforded to those who He deems righteous.  It is not a freebie for all, but only for the righteous.  

The Byword:  
To walk in God’s righteousness ensures us safety from harm.   It is like eternal life insurance… without the monthly premium.  


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