Thursday, January 28, 2016

Compassion in Action

January 28, 2016

Compassion in Action

Proverbs 28:27
He who gives to the poor will never want,
But he who shuts his eyes [from their need] will have many curses.

Matthew Henry concise commentary
A selfish man not only will not look out for objects of compassion, but will look off from those that call for his attention.

Miyagi’s commentary
In Matthew 25:40, Jesus said…” the extent that you did it for one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it for Me.’”  When we give to the poor and needy, we are giving to Jesus.  In sharing with the poor, we are honoring God.  This is so because the least one of these has a special place in God’s heart.  Jesus is always defending them and providing for them and taking care of them.  He expects and desires that we do the same.  

Somehow, there are people out there under the notion that if they give and share of their resources, they would have less for themselves.  However, in kingdom realm, it is the opposite.  When a person gives to a needy person, he will be blessed even more.  God will not be indebted to any man.  That means, when a person gives, God will give back to Him in many more folds.  And when we give to the poor our time, talent, and resources, we are giving to the King of kings and the Lord of Lords.  

Summary conclusion:
Your love for the Lord is only as good as the love you have for those whom you love the least.  

Psalms 112:9
He has given freely to the poor;
His righteousness endures forever;
His horn will be exalted in honor.

Matthew Henry concise commentary
From their Lord's example they (the righteous)  learn to be kind and full of compassion, as well as just in all their dealings; they use discretion, that they may be liberal in that manner which appears most likely to do good

Miyagi’s commentary
A person, no matter how rich, can never outgive God.  God owns the whole universe and has given us His only begotten Son.  God gave His all to us.  He has set the ultimate example of giving.  So a righteous person who fears God will give freely to the poor.  He will do it joyfully from his heart.   Those who refuses to share with the poor their time, talent, and resources will in the end be cursed by his own lack of compassion.  

However, make sure that when you give, you give to the least one of these.  These are people who cannot pay you back.  If you give to those who are already wealthy and well off, your giving will not be blessed.  It will be cursed.   We are warned  to “not cast pearls before swines” for they will trample on it.   For example,  giving money to the rich is casting pearls before swine. (They are not the ones in need.  And we will be giving with wrong motives).  

When we give to the poor, we are lending to the Lord.  And the Lord will pay us back.  
“He who has pity on the poor lends to the Lord, And He will pay back what he has given.” (Proverbs 19:17) .  And God is true to His Word… every time.  

Summary conclusion:
When a person gives to the poor and needy, he actually blesses himself indirectly.

The big picture:
“Give, and it will be given to you. They will pour into your lap a good measure—pressed down, shaken together, and running over [with no space left for more]. For with the standard of measurement you use [when you do good to others], it will be measured to you in return.” (Luke 6:38)

The Byword:
When you give to the poor, it is a win-win for everyone.  The poor wins.  You win.  And the Lord wins.  


Monday, January 25, 2016

Sanctioned Addiction

January 25, 2016

Sanctioned Addiction

Proverbs 25:27  AMP
It is not good to eat much honey,
Nor is it glorious to seek one’s own glory.

Matthew Henry Concise commentary
We must be, through grace, dead to the pleasures of sense, and also to the praises of men.

Miyagi’s commentary
Many people seek the pleasure of the senses….to feel good physically.  Others seek the praises of men feel good emotionally.  Because the want of feeling good physically is so sought after, people end up addicted to the thing that makes them feel good (drugs, alcohol, sex, food  and so forth). They can’t get enough of it because they want to feel good and continue to feel good, day after day.   And because people want to be esteemed by others and be looked at as someone great, they boast of achievements to get praises from men.  But isn’t our goal in this life, as believers, to bring God pleasure and to give Him the glory for all that He has done?  Why do people seek pleasures and glory for themselves?  

If you ever watch two 3-year-olds fight over a toy, they do it because they want to play with that toy.  That toy makes them feel good.  It’s all about pleasing the flesh.   And then you watch two adults fighting over something that makes them feel good, they are no different than the two 3-year-olds, only their toy is much more sophisticated.  They fight over money, position, and power.  The thirst for one’s pleasure and praise is insatiable and endless.  It simply cannot be satisfied.  Once you get what you thought you wanted and needed for the present, two days later, you are seeking more of that.  It never ends.  It become uncontrollable and then an addiction is formed.  Only Jesus can satisfy us and quench that thirst.  Only when we focus on giving Him pleasure and all the glory will we truly find satisfaction in this life.  

Summary conclusion:
When we seek to bring God pleasure and glory, we will find peace and rest for our souls.  When we seek to bring self pleasure and glory, we will find that we become trapped in an endless rat race.

Psalm  149:3-4
3  Let them praise His name with dancing;
Let them sing praises to Him with the tambourine and lyre.
4  For the Lord takes pleasure in His people;
He will beautify the humble with salvation.

Matthew Henry Concise commentary
The Lord takes pleasure in his people; they should rejoice in Him. When the Lord has made sinners feel their wants and unworthiness, he will adorn them with the graces of his Spirit, and cause them to bear his image, and rejoice in his happiness for ever. Let his saints employ their waking hours upon their beds in songs of praise. Let them rejoice, even upon the bed of death, assured that they are going to eternal rest and glory.

Miyagi’s commentary
So how do we give God pleasure and glory?  We, as followers of Christ, can bring God pleasure when we praise Him, and worship Him… for God dwells in the praises of His people.  We also bring Him pleasure and glory when we walk in wisdom, in obedience to Him and in faithfulness to His Word.  We are created with a God-shaped vacuum that only He can fill.  To try to fill it with anything else is futile.

Summary Conclusion:
The world seeks after good feelings and praises of men to pleasure self.   We believers seek to give God praise and glory to pleasure Him.

The Big Picture:
The one whom you seek to please and praise is the one whom you truly worship.  Are you worshipping God or are you worshipping self?

The Byword:
If you must be addicted to something…….be addicted to Jesus.  It is the only sanctioned addiction.  

"Mr.  Miyagi"

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Calling all men.....Extra! Extra! Read all about it!

January 24, 2016

Wisdom brings order

Proverbs 24:3
Through [skillful and godly] wisdom a house [a life, a home, a family] is built,
And by understanding it is established [on a sound and good foundation],

Matthew Henry concise commentary
Piety and prudence in outward affairs, both go together to complete a wise man. By knowledge the soul is filled with the graces and comforts of the spirit, those precious and pleasant riches. The spirit is strengthened for the spiritual work and the spiritual warfare, by true wisdom.

Miyagi’s commentary
Ever wonder why America is in such disarray?  Why are there so many broken families, pregnant teenagers, and drug addicts?  Simply put, without Jesus, there is no wisdom.  And without wisdom, there is no order in one’s life, family, or home.  When children are left to themselves, they become wild animals.  The Word of God brings order into one’s life.  It is the ultimate standard to follow.  For example, God calls the man to be the head of the household, not the woman.  And when the woman takes that position, the house is out of order...God’s order.  How often do we hear men say to their wives “yes, dear” or “whatever you want, dear.”  These are puppy dog statements that are indicative that the men are bowing to their wives.  This is upside down.  The men in today’s society have willingly stepped down from the place of leadership and authority and have relinquished all authority to the woman.   The women gladly steps into that position because it is all about control.  So when the woman becomes the head of household and calls all the shots, the spirit of Jezebel is alive and thriving.  If the man of the house is bowing to his wife, she has become his god.   We see this all the time in society, even in Christian homes.   What a sad commentary.

The wisdom of God brings order.  Without it, many homes….especially Christian homes,  are out of order.  The wisdom of God is derived from the Scriptures and the Holy Spirit.  It is not found in television or the media.  In James 1:5, it says that “if anyone lacks wisdom, he is to ask of God, who gives to everyone generously and without rebuke or blame, and it will be given to him.”   We can get wisdom by asking God because He wants to give that to us.  He desires that we walk in wisdom day by day.  Foolishness is when a person ignores God’s Word and decides to do things his own way.  

Summary conclusion:
Without Jesus, there is no wisdom.  Without wisdom, there is no order.  Without order, life becomes a royal mess.  

Psalm 111:10  AMP
The [reverent] fear of the Lord is the beginning (the prerequisite, the absolute essential, the alphabet) of wisdom; A good understanding and a teachable heart are possessed by all those who do the will of the Lord; His praise endures forever.

Matthew Henry concise commentary
No man is wise who does not fear the Lord; no man acts wisely except as influenced by that fear. This fear will lead to repentance, to faith in Christ, to watchfulness and obedience. Such persons are of a good understanding, however poor, unlearned, or despised.

Miyagi’s commentary
When a person has the fear of the Lord, He acts with wisdom.  He is obedient to the Word.  He is submitted to God.  He is faithful in the things of God.  He is in order.  And life becomes fully functional.  Without the fear of the Lord, there is no wisdom, no submission to God, no faithfulness, no obedience, no order……..only a royal mess.

Men...take note:
The god of this age has release a prevailing spirit…”equal rights.”  Because the men are too complacent and refuses to step up to the plate to fulfill their rightful position in the home, the women have stepped up to get things done.  The men become the wimps and there is no leadership in the home.  How can a ship stay on course without a captain?  Man was not made for woman.  Woman was made for man to be his helpmate.  So today’s devotional is a challenge to all the men.  Re-examine your position as God has originally planned and purposed and step up to the plate.    If your own house is out of order, you ought to refrain from ministry until your own house is in order again.

The big picture;
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.  Without it, foolishness abounds.

The byword:
Get wisdom and get your house in order, man.  


Saturday, January 23, 2016

The Rude Awakening

January 23, 2016

What are you living for?

Proverbs 23:17
Do not let your heart envy sinners [who live godless lives and have no hope of salvation],
But [continue to] live in the [reverent, worshipful] fear of the Lord day by day.

Matthew Henry concise commentary
Here is a parent instructing his child to give his mind to the Scriptures. Here is a parent correcting his child: accompanied with prayer, and blessed of God, it may prove a means of preventing his destruction. Here is a parent encouraging his child, telling him what would be for his good. And what a comfort it would be, if herein he answered his ( proverbs 23:17-18 ) disappointed; the end of his trials, and of the sinner's prosperity, is at hand.

Miyagi’s commentary
Sometimes, it seems like those who have rejected Jesus Christ are living large and enjoying life.  They are the ones with the big houses, the fancy cars and the huge bank accounts.  All this glitter and gold seem so appealing in the eyes of many.  But the Bible cautions us to not be envious of them.  Why?  Because when they leave this earth, they will enter into eternal damnation.  People who have made the choice to live without Jesus may last about 80 years on this earth.  This is nothing compared to eternity.  They are living for the here and now….for the pleasures of this world, the power, the money.  They have no understanding that there is a thing call eternal life.  For them, they think that when they die on this earth, that is the end.  The sad truth is that their suffering begins when they leave this earth.  They enter into the lake of fire, which is *eternal punishment” for rejecting Jesus Christ.

We believers, on the other hand, have much to look forward to.  Because we have made Jesus our Lord and Savior and is living day to day in the fear of the Lord, when we die, we go to be with Christ Jesus.  We have eternal life with Him.  And all the suffering and persecution on this earth will be worth it all when we see Jesus face to face…. because we will be with Jesus forever  So, while we are on this earth, we are mere pilgrims, passing through.  Earth is not our eternal home.  Heaven is.  And that is where we are to strive for.  That is why Phil 2:12 tells us to “work out your salvation with fear and trembling.”  Yes, Jesus died for our sins at the cross.  But we also need to do our part which is to accept Jesus and follow Him all the days of our lives.  This is the only way to ensure salvation in Christ.  Accepting Jesus is not a one-way ticket to Heaven.  That is why today’s Scripture tells us to continue to live in the reverential fear of the Lord day by day.  That means, never stop living for Jesus.  

Summary conclusion:
So what do you think is more important?
Play now and suffer for eternity?  Or live for Jesus and enjoy eternity with Him?  

Psalms 20:6 AMP
Now I know that the Lord saves His anointed; He will answer him from His holy heaven With the saving strength of His right hand.

Matthew Henry concise commentary
Our first step to victory in spiritual warfare is to trust only in the mercy and grace of God; all who trust in themselves will soon be cast down.  Believers triumph in God, and his revelation of himself to them, by which they distinguish themselves from those that live without God in the world. Those who make God and his name their praise, may make God and his name their trust

Miyagi’s commentary
God will only save His people from eternal damnation.  God will not save those who have rejected Jesus on earth.   On that day when Christ return to take us home, many will be in for a rude awakening.  Many who are living for themselves in the context of Christianity will be left behind.   It will be a sad day for many.  But those who have lived faithfully for Jesus Christ and have followed Him in the fear of the Lord day after day will be saved.  

Summary conclusion:
Because you have read this devotional today, you have been forewarned.  You can no longer plead ignorance.   Live for Jesus now and be saved.  If you choose otherwise, then you will enter into eternal damnation….with eyes open.   

There is a time, we know not when,
A place, we know not where;
which marks the destiny of men
to glory or despair

There is a line, by us unseen,
which crosses every path,
which marks the boundary between
God’s mercy and His wrath

To pass that limit is to die,
to die as if by stealth.
It does not dim the beaming eye,
nor pale the glow of health

The conscience may be still at ease,
the spirit light and gay.
and that which pleases still may please
and care be thrust away.

But on that forehead God hath set
Indelibly a mark
Unseen by man, for man as yet,
is blind and in the dark.

He feels perchance that all is well
and every fear is calmed
He lives, he dies, he walks in hell
Not only doomed, but damned!

O where is that mysterious line
that may be men be crossed
Beyond which God Himself hath sworn,
that he who goes is lost?

An answer from the skies repeats
“Ye who from God depart.”
Today, O hear His voice,
Today repent and harden not your heart.

- By Joseph Addison Alexander

The Big Picture:
Don’t look at the glamour and gold in this world.  Those things cannot save you.  Look to Jesus.  Only He can save you.  So, what are you living for?

The Byword:
When Jesus is all you have, you will find that Jesus is ALL you need.


Thursday, January 21, 2016

Sweet Poison

January 21, 2016

Sweet poison

Proverbs 22:2
Every man’s way is right in his own eyes,
But the Lord weighs and examines the hearts [of people and their motives].

Matthew Henry concise commentary
We are partial in judging ourselves and our actions.

Miyagi’s commentary
Have you ever wonder why people are so quick and ready to justify their actions?  And isn’t it true what today’s Scripture says that “every man’s way is right in his own eyes?”   How should we judge our own actions?   Should it be based on the world’s standard or God’s standards?  

People do what they do because in their own eyes, it is right.  But if the Holy Spirit were to examine one’s heart and motive, the story may be different.  Proverbs 3:5 tells us to “trust in the Lord with ALL your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.”  Ever heard people give others the advice to “follow your heart?”  Well, that really depends on what is in the heart.  Not every heart is following Jesus.  And not every heart is pure.  So really, if one is following his heart, what is he really following?  Trusting in the Lord is better than “following your own heart” because the Lord Jesus is pure and holy and righteous in all His ways.  These seemingly good advice such as “follow your heart” is actually poison to the soul.  It sounds good.  It is pleasant to the ears.  And may even make you feel nice and fluffy inside.  But it is the advice from hell.

The analogy that  best illustrates this is rat poison.  Rat poison is 99% rat food and 1% poison.  It looks like rat food, smells like it and tastes like it to the rats.  But it is the 1% poison that is going to kill the rat.    People are the same way.  They may say nice things that sounds good to the ear and acceptable by all, but a person with discernment, wisdom and understanding will examine those words through the Scripture and the help of the Holy Spirit and know exactly where it came from.

If a lie is said long enough, frequent enough and loud enough, eventually it will be believed as the truth.  Phrases like “follow your heart” or “be number one” or “take pride in your work” are phrases you hear all the time.  And because they are spoken and heard so many times, one tends to accept it as truth.  But a closer examination of these phrases will show that it is nothing but poison to the soul.

Summary conclusion:
The devil comes as the angel of light.  He comes across as a person who means well and may even have a noble agenda (to fool the masses).   In politics, you see it all the time.  People say nice things and everyone claps.  Then months down the line, the truth comes out.  And it is shocking because everyone had believed the lie.  So beware and be wise and be not gullible to what everyone is saying.

Psalm 19:14 AMP
Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart Be acceptable and pleasing in Your sight, O Lord, my [firm, immovable] rock and my Redeemer.

Matthew Henry concise commentary
Verses 11-14 God's word warns the wicked not to go on in his wicked way, and warns the righteous not to turn from his good way. There is a reward, not only after keeping, but in keeping God's commandments. Religion makes our comforts sweet, and our crosses easy, life truly valuable, and death itself truly desirable. David not only desired to be pardoned and cleansed from the sins he had discovered and confessed, but from those he had forgotten or overlooked. All discoveries of sin made to us by the law, should drive us to the throne of grace, there to pray. His dependence was the same with that of every Christian who says, Surely in the Lord Jesus have I righteousness and strength. No prayer can be acceptable before God which is not offered in the strength of our Redeemer or Divine Kinsman, through Him who took our nature upon him, that he might redeem us unto God, and restore the long-lost inheritance. May our hearts be much affected with the excellence of the word of God; and much affected with the evil of sin, and the danger we are in of it, and the danger we are in by it.

Miyagi’s commentary
So if we check our words and actions to make sure that it is pleasing and acceptable to God, we do well.  And if we do the same with the words we hear people say, we will not fall victim to the lies from the pits of hell.  

Summary conclusion:
Don’t believe and accept everything you hear so readily.  Some of these things that people swallow is really “sweet poison.”

The big picture:
The Bible tells us not to judge… that is not to judge by the world’s standards.  Righteous judgement is call discernment.  And it is encouraged by the Lord for us to exercise.  This is why it is important to pray, meditate and study (the Word of God).  When we do this, we won’t be so gullible to believe the lies like the masses.  

The Byword:

If you trust in the Lord with all your heart, you will save yourself from   consuming “sweet poison.”


Tuesday, January 19, 2016

The Blame Game

January 19, 2016

The Blame Game

Proverbs 19:3
The foolishness of man undermines his way [ruining whatever he undertakes];
Then his heart is resentful and rages against the Lord [for, being a fool, he blames the Lord instead of himself].

Matthew Henry concise commentary:
Men run into troubles by their own folly, and then fret at the appointments of God.

Miyagi’s commentary
God gets blamed for everything.  Have you ever heard people say “If there is a God, then why am I always broke and why can’t I get a good job and why would He allow this and that to happen?”  The answer is that there is a thing call “consequences.”  For every action of man, there is a consequence that follows.  God made man with the agency of free choice.  So man goes out and makes stupid and foolish choices and ends up ruining his life.  Then instead of looking inward and reflecting on his own bad choices, he blames God.  People do this all the time so that they don’t have to take responsibility for their own actions.  It is much easier to blame someone else.  

The Scripture tells us “for the wages of sin is death...” (Rom 6:23).   So if man chooses to sin, guess what?  Death will follow….first spiritual death….then physical death.  So how can one go about making wise decisions so as not to fall into all these stupid traps that he sets himself up for?  If you lack wisdom, ask God for it.   Seek His word and His counsel on any given matter.  Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding (proverbs 3:5).  God is right there, ready and available to help us.  And what do people do?  Everything under the sun and when they run into the wall, they blame God.  How incredibly senseless and stupid people can be.  If they had sought counsel from God, God would have saved them from many heartaches and disappointments.  God is a good God.  Man is basically dumb.  That is why they are call “sheep.”  Without the shepherd, they will go astray….every time.

Summary conclusion:
Seek God first.  Seek God early.  Seek God often.  And then listen to His counsel.  Then you will be saved from many unnecessary troubles.

Psalm 38:5
My wounds are loathsome and foul
Because of my foolishness.

Matthew Henry concise commentary
Verses 1-11 Nothing will disquiet the heart of a good man so much as the sense of God's anger. The way to keep the heart quiet, is to keep ourselves in the love of God. But a sense of guilt is too heavy to bear; and would sink men into despair and ruin, unless removed by the pardoning mercy of God. If there were not sin in our souls, there would be no pain in our bones, no illness in our bodies. The guilt of sin is a burden to the whole creation, which groans under it. It will be a burden to the sinners themselves, when they are heavy-laden under it, or a burden of ruin, when it sinks them to hell. When we perceive our true condition, the Good Physician will be valued, sought, and obeyed. Yet many let their wounds rankle, because they delay to go to their merciful Friend. When, at any time, we are distempered in our bodies, we ought to remember how God has been dishonoured in and by our bodies. The groanings which cannot be uttered, are not hid from Him that searches the heart, and knows the mind of the Spirit. David, in his troubles, was a type of Christ in his agonies, of Christ on his cross, suffering and deserted.

Miyagi’s commentary
When a person can finally see the true condition of his heart, he will see the reason for his troubles.  When a person looks into the mirror and asks himself some difficult questions, he will be shown the path to take.  To admit and confess one’s sin is the beginning.  God loves a broken and contrite heart (Psalm 51:17).  He can work to restore that.  But one has to come to that state.  If he continues to blame God for his troubles, he will never be free from them, for he has no understanding.  With understanding, one is set free because he knows what he did wrong and why.  He, then, can repent and make a change.  People with no understanding continues to make stupid mistakes upon stupid mistakes, not knowing why their life is a royal mess.

Summary conclusion:
Get wisdom...and in all your getting….get understanding.   And when you look into the mirror, you will find the source of your troubles.  Then turn to God for help.  Admit, confess, and repent of your sins.  He is waiting to restore you.  

The Big Picture:
God loves His children and will never cause harm to them.  But He will allow it to happen to the point where they will have to run to Jesus for refuge.   God is wise.  HE desires that man gains wisdo and walk in wisdom. But if man chooses to walk in foolishness, he will allow them to.  Sometimes, the severe consequences of one’s sin can become a very good teacher.  

The Byword
You can learn from wisdom or you can learn from painful consequences.  But if you have the option, why choose to suffer?  Stop playing the blame game.  
