October 18, 2013
Run with Endurance
Hebrews 12:1-2
12 Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2 looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
God is saying to me to live a life that overcomes all things: satan, sin, self and the world. . When I am disciplined, endure it and learn from it. Never despise correction from God because He corrects those whom He loves. So when I am being disciplined, I know my Father loves me.
Psalm 23:3
He restores my soul;
He leads me in the paths of righteousness
For His name’s sake.
What does it mean to run the race? It means the race of our faith. The race is our faith in Jesus Christ. At the end of the race, we hope and believe and achieve to be one with Jesus Christ. What is the purpose of this race? Eternal life with Jesus Christ. We are to endure. We are to keep the faith and never give up. This race that is set before you is to walk the path and be one with Him. So in the endurance, persevere and keep the faith. Through the hardships, God uses it to strengthen our faith. Jesus Christ endured much hardships. We are to follow Him to the end. This race is the race of faith. The name of this race set before us is the race of faith. We must finish the race to endure all hardship and temptations in Jesus Christ. So our faith and belief system are made stronger as long as we endure the hardships because at the end, our faith will be tested and tried and proven to be loyal and faithful to Jesus Christ only.
As we go through our faith, we are to witness and testify the benefits and beauty of the Lord by being faithful. We share our testimony to encourage and strengthen them as Jesus Christ commanded his disciples, you shall be a witness to me to the ends of the earth. So the connection here is that this race that is set before us is part of our great commission. WE must run the race, continue to witness for Jesus Christ: to show how He has impacted my life, how He has changed my life, how He has transformed me into His image and likeness and now being perfected, ready for His service. Therefore, we must remove, destroy anything that will hinder our completion of our faith. Our friendships, our material wealth, our earthly possessions must never hinder our race towards Jesus Christ.
Let us lay aside every weight, idol, material possession and sin. Let us make no excuses for sin. The power of the Holy Spirit helps us to release us of all these hindrances and distractions and oppositions. The weights come off easy by the power of the Holy Spirit.
What does it mean to throw out our sin and hindrances?
What does hardship demonstrate regarding your relationship with God?
What is the purpose and benefit of hardship or discipline?
What have you discover in your walk that helps you keep your eyes focus on Jesus?
What has hindered you from being distracted against sin?.
What has distracted you to sin?
The image here is liken unto an athletic contest. It is an encouragement to run with perseverance the race of faith. As a climax to this presentation of great heroes of faith, the writer recalls the endurance of Jesus in the face of extreme suffering and oppositions. So God discipline His children through hardships. We are to recognize the meaning and purpose of god’s discipline and to respond in trust and submission. The appeal for endurance is made in the language that stresses the need to strengthen those who are weak, to encourage and to comfort. (Wenham)
So the witnesses are those who testify for God or receive the testimony that this is the righteous part of the great commission is to witness for me in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and unto the ends of the earth.
In conclusion, if I run with endurance this race of faith and refuse to allow anything to distract me from finishing, I shall complete the race successfully and have perfected my witness of Jesus Christ.
Work cited
Wenham, G.J., Motyer, J.A., 21st century New Bible commentary, Intervarsity Press:Downer’s Grove, 2007.
Aldwin Naruse
The Body of Christ Jesus Fellowship
Makaha, HI USA
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