Sunday, January 21, 2018

No Laughing Matter

No laughing matter

Proverbs 14:6, 9  AMP
6 A scoffer seeks wisdom and finds none [for his ears are closed to wisdom],
But knowledge is easy for one who understands [because he is willing to learn].

9 Fools mock sin [but sin mocks the fools],
But among the upright there is good will and the favor and blessing of God.

Matthew Henry Concise commentary
A scorner treats Divine things with contempt. He that feels his ignorance and unworthiness will search the Scriptures in a humble spirit.  Foolish and profane men consider sin a mere trifle, to be made light of rather than mourned over. Fools mock at the sin-offering; but those that make light of sin, make light of Christ.

Miyagi’s commentary
Have you ever been around people who jokes about sin or laughs at sin? Or been around people who make a joke of everything around them?  Just as Matthew Henry mentioned so clearly that those who make light of sin is actually making light of Christ.  Sin is a serious matter and sin is what nailed Jesus on the cross.  We should be remorseful over sin, not joke or laugh about it.  It is no laughing matter.  Churches who have funny pastors that constantly make the people laugh fosters an atmosphere liken to an amusement park, not a place of repentance and change of heart.  WE have comedy clubs for that.  Church ought to be a place where people are lead to reflect on how they have lived their lives and what areas are in need of repentance.  

Summary conclusion:
If you are serious about Christ, then get serious about sin.  Sin is something to forsake at all cost, not to be played with or joke about.

Psalm 1:1 AMP
Blessed [fortunate, prosperous, and favored by God] is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked [following their advice and example], Nor stand in the path of sinners, Nor sit [down to rest] in the seat of scoffers (ridiculers).

Matthew Henry concise commentary
Verses 1-3 To meditate in God's word, is to discourse with ourselves concerning the great things contained in it, with close application of mind and fixedness of thought. We must have constant regard to the word of God, as the rule of our actions, and the spring of our comforts; and have it in our thoughts night and day. For this purpose no time is amiss.

MIyagi’s commentary
When we joke about sin, are we not “sitting in the seat of the scoffers?”  When I hear people say things like “I love my sin or my favorite sin is…..,” it grieves my spirit so much.  It is almost as if they value their pet sin and they have fun with it.   I believe there is a time and place for laughter, but sin is not where it is at.   We are to “work out our salvation with fear and trembling” (Phil 2:12).  Our attitude toward sin should be one of disgust and anger.  Sin nailed Jesus to the cross.  But instead people play with a toy.  I hear pastors on the pulpit all the time saying things like “don’t be so hard on yourselves.  God knows we are all human and born in sin.  So if you mess up, just ask for forgiveness.  It will be okay.  Don't beat yourself up over it.”   This is heresy, a lie from the pits of hell.  It is as if God has a big pot of greasy grace and when we sin, He would just slap some of that greasy grace on us and all is well.  Where is the remorse, the repentance, the deep introspection of our sin against God?

Summary conclusion:
If sin is ignored and undealt with, it will sent a person to hell.  Get serious about it and get rid of it.  It is no joking matter.

The big picture:
Your attitude towards sin is a reflection of your attitude about Jesus Christ.  If you can joke about sin, you probably can joke about Christ.   Some years ago, there was a preacher who decided he wanted to become a comedian instead.  He went on stage and started to joke and make fun of Jesus.  He kept doing it and would not repent.  One day, he got into a freak car accident and he died.   Sin is not a joking matter.  It is a matter of life and death.  

The byword
If you don’t get rid of sin, sin will eventually get rid of you.


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