Friday, November 2, 2018

The Righteous vs. the wicked

Proverbs 29:27   AMP
An unjust man is repulsive to the righteous,
And he who is upright in the way [of the Lord] is repulsive to the wicked.

Matthew Henry concise commentary
The just man abhors the sins of the wicked, and shuns their company. Christ exposed the wickedness of men, yet prayed for the wicked when they were crucifying him. Hatred to sin in ourselves and others, is a needful branch of the Christian temper. But all that are unholy, have rooted hatred to godliness.

Miyagi’s commentary
A righteous person in Christ will hate the presence of sin.  And a wicked person will hate the righteous.  The two are at its polar opposites.   The two serves a different God.  They are of a different spirit.  While the righteous serve Jesus Christ, the wicked serve themselves because they are their own gods.  So the two have nothing in common.  That is why the Bible tells us that there can be no fellowship between light and darkness.  

Matt 12:30 AMP
He who is not with Me [once and for all on My side] is against Me; and he who does not [unequivocally] gather with Me scatters.  

Either a person is for Jesus or he is not.  It is one or the other.  A person who is not for Jesus hates God and the things of God.  He finds the Word of God repulsive.  He finds believers repulsive.  He cannot stand the Scriptures nor worship songs unto the Lord.  These things irritate him.  Instead, he is attracted to the things of the world…. anything that is of the flesh, carnal, that appeals to the senses….those things he will gravitate to.  In other words, he loves to sin.

A righteous person in Christ will find that he cannot even sit to dine with the wicked.  For what can they talk about?  The wicked hates the topic of God and the righteous are not interested in the things of the flesh.  Therefore, they cannot associate with each other.  It would be against their nature.  So if you are righteous and the wicked hates you, know that they hate you because they hated Jesus first.   So rejoice and be glad because that means you are where you need to be….with Christ.  

Psalms 34:21  AMP
Evil will cause the death of the wicked, And those who hate the righteous will be held guilty and will be condemned.

So here is the good news.  The Lord is for the righteous and will protect them from the wicked.  In other words, the righteous wins in life.  And the wicked is destined for total destruction.  They will not last long on earth.  They are “held guilty and will be condemned” as Psalms 34:21 says.
Questions to ponder on:
Do evil exist in the churches today?  
Can the wicked ever be saved from their wickedness?
Besides shunning the company of the wicked, what else can the righteous do regarding the wicked?  

Have nothing to do with the wicked except expose them.  Stay clear away from them.  They are of the devil and is being used by the devil.  They want nothing of God and thus hate God’s people.  They are not the ones you would want to witness to.  They are bloodthirsty and may even take your life. Unless God calls you specifically to reach out to them, stay away.

How do we expose the wicked?
By cross examination using the Word of God and the Holy Spirit.  What did Jesus do?  He went about proclaiming and declaring “repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand.”  We have to make the rounds and expose darkness and proclaim to others to “repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand.”  If you are not called to witness to the wicked and you do it on your own, you will cause division.  But if you were given the power of God to do this, you will be effective, liken unto a visiting prophet who is allowed to speak in the churches.

So why are there so much disagreement, contentions, and arguments in churches today?  Is it not because of a different spirit?   If you have the Holy Spirit, is that not enough to bear witness that we are the children of God?  The devil loves discussions, contentions and arguments between believers.  That is his playground.  He is please when the pastors argue with each other.  He loves to see the brethren contend with each other.  The devil’s work is about details.  The major point is to focus on the big picture.  These minor points and details are the works of the devil.  The Word of God and Holy Spirit bear witness to the truth.  So look to heaven to see the bigger picture.  

Summary conclusion:
If you are righteous in Christ, you would despise the company of the wicked.
If you enjoy the company of the wicked,  it is an indicator that you are one of them.  

The big picture:
Holiness and sinfulness cannot coexist.  They are polar opposites.   They have nothing in common.  And they will stay away from each other.  

The byword:
If the world hates you, rejoice...because that means you are of God.
If the world loves you….then “Houston, we have a problem.”  


Monday, July 2, 2018

Do you really hate evil?

Proverbs 8:13, 34-36
13 “The [reverent] fear and worshipful awe of the Lord includes the hatred of evil;
Pride and arrogance and the evil way,
And the perverted mouth, I hate.

34 “Blessed [happy, prosperous, to be admired] is the man who listens to me,
Watching daily at my gates,
Waiting at my doorposts.

35  “For whoever finds me (Wisdom) finds life
And obtains favor and grace from the Lord.

36 “But he who fails to find me or sins against me injures himself;
All those who hate me love and court death.”

Matthew Henry concise commentary
Surely we should hearken to Christ's voice with the readiness of children. Let us all be wise, and not refuse such mercy. Blessed are those who hear the Saviour's voice, and wait on him with daily reading, meditation, and prayer. The children of the world find time for vain amusements, without neglecting what they deem the one thing needful. Does it not show contempt of Wisdom's instructions, when people professing godliness, seek excuses for neglecting the means of grace? Christ is Wisdom, and he is Life to all believers; nor can we obtain God's favour, unless we find Christ, and are found in him. Those who offend Christ deceive themselves; sin is a wrong to the soul. Sinners die because they will die, which justifies God when he judges.
Miyagi’s commentary
Do you hate evil?  Every sin is evil, but not every believer hates every sin.  Some may condone it, tolerate it, have discussions about it, play with it, joke about it or even embrace it.  Some will save their pet sins for a rainy day.  But not all believers hate sin.

A true believer ought to love what God loves and hate what God hates.  Today’s Scripture in Proverbs 8:13 says that the fear of the Lord includes the hatred of evil.  Suffice to say that if a person doesn’t hate evil, he does not have the fear of the Lord.

For example, pride is really on the top of the totem pole.  God hates pride.  But spiritual pride is quite prevalent among church leaders.  They wear it like a badge.  And many so enjoy the power and authority that they have as a leader over the people  that they are secretly hoping that Jesus will not return soon.  They want to enjoy their power just a little bit longer.  God showed me this one day in prayer.

1 John 2:16 says:
For all that is in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—is not of the Father but is of the world.

Summary conclusion:
So subtle is the devil’s tactics that even church leaders fall into it without realizing it.  And if they are that way, what will become of those who sit at their feet regularly?

Psalm 73:6
Therefore pride is their necklace; Violence covers them like a garment [like a long, luxurious robe].

Matthew Henry concise commentary
Foolish and wicked people have sometimes a great share of outward prosperity. They seem to have the least share of the troubles of this life; and they seem to have the greatest share of its comforts. They live without the fear of God, yet they prosper, and get on in the world. Wicked men often spend their lives without much sickness, and end them without great pain; while many godly persons scarcely know what health is, and die with great sufferings. Often the wicked are not frightened, either by the remembrance of their sins, or the prospect of their misery, but they die without terror.

But let us learn that the true course of sanctification consists in cleansing a man from all pollution both of soul and body. The heart is cleansed by the blood of Christ laid hold upon by faith; and by the begun works of the Lord's Spirit, manifested in the hearty resolution, purpose, and study of holiness, and a blameless course of life and actions, the hands are cleansed. It is not in vain to serve God and keep his ordinances.

Miyagi’s commentary
The wicked wear their pride like a necklace.  And this is seen both inside the church and outside. How tragic.  The opposite of pride is humility.  And God loves true humility.  “....for everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but he who humbles himself [forsaking self-righteous pride] will be exalted.Luke 18:14.  

Those who wear this necklace of pride are quick to judge, and look at the speck in another’s eye.  They speak from their own understanding.  They are very carnal, fleshly because they are trained that way.  They quickly point at other’s sins but they are blind to their own sins.  

There is so much more grace for those who are humble.  And how does one come to that point?  By dying to self daily, and by yielding to the Lord Jesus Christ.  That is wisdom.   If you would allow the Lord Jesus to have His way with you, you will do well and escape pride.  

So measure every word.  Do not speak unless it is important.  Speak  to build up and strengthen.  The theology of the wicked  is on self righteousness.  They boast of themselves, thinking that they are in a higher position and hide behind their titles.    

We are instructed by the Word of God: Do not walk in step with the wicked nor stand in the way of sinners nor sit in the seat of mockers.  We are to separate ourselves.  The wicked are like chaff and the wind blows them away.  They are not allowed to sit in the assembly of the righteous.  The Lord knows and watches over everything.  He will cover and protect the righteous.  But the wicked are doomed and damned to destruction.

When freak accidents occur or health challenges arise, know that it is not just an accident but a warning from God.  At that moment, there should be a time for introspection to examine one’s own heart.  Nothing can be taken for granted.

According to Watchman Nee, these are referred to as assumptions that it is sufficient enough merely to be saved with no spiritual appetite. Many believers are unwilling to pay the price for advancement in the kingdom of God.  This is typical of a church that is filled with over-stuffed big babies (Watchman Nee, 85).

There are pastors who condone smoking, which is detrimental to the health, and also defies the temple of God.  This is evil that has misguided the pastor by condoning sin or overlooking it.  And it is subject to judgement from the Lord.  In coming back to the basics, what is the purpose of your church? Is it just another social club?

Summary conclusion:
The wise and humble are destined for blessings from God.
The prideful are destined for destruction.  

The big picture:
If a professed believer doesn't really hate evil, it may be because he really doesn't love God.

The byword:
If you don’t destroy your pride, your pride will eventually destroy you.  


Saturday, March 31, 2018

The Fear of the Lord vs. the Christmas tree

Proverbs 31:30 AMP
Charm and grace are deceptive, and [superficial] beauty is vain,
But a woman who fears the Lord [reverently worshiping, obeying, serving, and trusting Him with awe-filled respect], she shall be praised.

Matthew Henry concise commentary:
She fears the Lord. Beauty recommends none to God, nor is it any proof of wisdom and goodness, but it has deceived many a man who made his choice of a wife by it. But the fear of God reigning in the heart, is the beauty of the soul; it lasts for ever.

Miyagi’s commentary:
In society today, women are more concerned about how they look on the outside than how they are on the inside.  The world stresses heavily on outward appearance, cosmetics, weight loss programs, and fashions.  But seldom do we hear of women going out of their way to seek wisdom,  to build character, and to cultivate the fear of the Lord.  To find a woman who is fully submissive to her husband and obedient to the Lord in today’s society, one that makes serving Jesus a top priority,  is like looking for a needle in a haystack.  Most want to be seen and heard, to have some form of control in the home, and to be the ones who give orders to the husbands…….these are a dime a dozen.   Even in churches and in Christian homes, one will find women who bosses their husbands around, who belittles them and controls them.  Most do not fit the Proverbs 31 description of a wife… not even close.   And if she is single, you can see her bossing the men around.

Yes, God calls us to honor our wives as the weaker vessel.  That is one thing.  But to allow them to be the leader and have sole authority in the home, that is entirely another thing.  God did not intend to make men as puppies but in the image and likeness of God.  

So when I read about the godly women in the Bible such as Esther and Ruth, I would ask God, “where are these women in today’s society?”   And just as Matthew Henry said…”.the fear of God reigning in their hearts is the true beauty of the soul.  It will last forever.”  Outward superficial beauty is no proof of wisdom and goodness at all.  And it is only temporary.  

Summary conclusion:
So in choosing a wife, men, look for the beauty of the soul, not the amount of cosmetic on her face.  

Proverbs 11:22
As a ring of gold in a swine’s snout, So is a beautiful woman who is without discretion [her lack of character mocks her beauty].

Matthew Henry concise commentary
Beauty is abused by those who have not discretion or modesty with it. This is true of all bodily endowments

Miyagi’s commentary
Ever met a beautiful woman with the right amount of make-up, a pretty dress and fine jewelry, then she opens her mouth and all that beauty becomes negated by the words she say?  A woman without character nor discretion and is loud and defiant is very disturbing and unsettling to be around.  And all that outward beauty goes out the door and becomes meaningless because it becomes nullified and spoiled by the lack of character.  How tragic.  

Summary conclusion:
If a woman works on cultivating the beauty of her soul, her outward beauty will eventually radiate on the outside.  But if a woman only works on the outward beauty only,  which is what most women are doing today, she is just a pretty picture….and hollow inside.    

The Big Picture:
A woman who fears the Lord is called “a woman worthy of praise.”
A woman who is only concerned with cosmetics, jewelry and clothes is called “a Christmas tree.”

The Byword
The fear of the Lord in her heart is very attractive and good.
So don't be deceived by the Christmas trees in your neighborhood.


Sunday, January 21, 2018

No Laughing Matter

No laughing matter

Proverbs 14:6, 9  AMP
6 A scoffer seeks wisdom and finds none [for his ears are closed to wisdom],
But knowledge is easy for one who understands [because he is willing to learn].

9 Fools mock sin [but sin mocks the fools],
But among the upright there is good will and the favor and blessing of God.

Matthew Henry Concise commentary
A scorner treats Divine things with contempt. He that feels his ignorance and unworthiness will search the Scriptures in a humble spirit.  Foolish and profane men consider sin a mere trifle, to be made light of rather than mourned over. Fools mock at the sin-offering; but those that make light of sin, make light of Christ.

Miyagi’s commentary
Have you ever been around people who jokes about sin or laughs at sin? Or been around people who make a joke of everything around them?  Just as Matthew Henry mentioned so clearly that those who make light of sin is actually making light of Christ.  Sin is a serious matter and sin is what nailed Jesus on the cross.  We should be remorseful over sin, not joke or laugh about it.  It is no laughing matter.  Churches who have funny pastors that constantly make the people laugh fosters an atmosphere liken to an amusement park, not a place of repentance and change of heart.  WE have comedy clubs for that.  Church ought to be a place where people are lead to reflect on how they have lived their lives and what areas are in need of repentance.  

Summary conclusion:
If you are serious about Christ, then get serious about sin.  Sin is something to forsake at all cost, not to be played with or joke about.

Psalm 1:1 AMP
Blessed [fortunate, prosperous, and favored by God] is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked [following their advice and example], Nor stand in the path of sinners, Nor sit [down to rest] in the seat of scoffers (ridiculers).

Matthew Henry concise commentary
Verses 1-3 To meditate in God's word, is to discourse with ourselves concerning the great things contained in it, with close application of mind and fixedness of thought. We must have constant regard to the word of God, as the rule of our actions, and the spring of our comforts; and have it in our thoughts night and day. For this purpose no time is amiss.

MIyagi’s commentary
When we joke about sin, are we not “sitting in the seat of the scoffers?”  When I hear people say things like “I love my sin or my favorite sin is…..,” it grieves my spirit so much.  It is almost as if they value their pet sin and they have fun with it.   I believe there is a time and place for laughter, but sin is not where it is at.   We are to “work out our salvation with fear and trembling” (Phil 2:12).  Our attitude toward sin should be one of disgust and anger.  Sin nailed Jesus to the cross.  But instead people play with a toy.  I hear pastors on the pulpit all the time saying things like “don’t be so hard on yourselves.  God knows we are all human and born in sin.  So if you mess up, just ask for forgiveness.  It will be okay.  Don't beat yourself up over it.”   This is heresy, a lie from the pits of hell.  It is as if God has a big pot of greasy grace and when we sin, He would just slap some of that greasy grace on us and all is well.  Where is the remorse, the repentance, the deep introspection of our sin against God?

Summary conclusion:
If sin is ignored and undealt with, it will sent a person to hell.  Get serious about it and get rid of it.  It is no joking matter.

The big picture:
Your attitude towards sin is a reflection of your attitude about Jesus Christ.  If you can joke about sin, you probably can joke about Christ.   Some years ago, there was a preacher who decided he wanted to become a comedian instead.  He went on stage and started to joke and make fun of Jesus.  He kept doing it and would not repent.  One day, he got into a freak car accident and he died.   Sin is not a joking matter.  It is a matter of life and death.  

The byword
If you don’t get rid of sin, sin will eventually get rid of you.
