Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Discipline for Holiness

Proverbs 23:13-14
13 Do not withhold discipline from the child;
If you swat him with a reed-like rod [applied with godly wisdom], he will not die.

14 You shall swat him with the reed-like rod
And rescue his life from Sheol (the nether world, the place of the dead).

Matthew Henry concise commentary
Here is a parent instructing his child to give his mind to the Scriptures. Here is a parent correcting his child: accompanied with prayer, and blessed of God, it may prove a means of preventing his destruction.

Miyagi’s commentary:
Have you ever been to the supermarket and see a parent running frantically after her child, catering to his demands….and the child is only 3 years old?  When a child lives without discipline and correction, he becomes like a wild animal.  He will do whatever he wants whenever he wants and he will scream and kick to get his way.  And when parents fail to discipline their child, their child begins to run the show.  They become little monsters.

God requires His people to not only walk in discipline themselves, but to discipline their children so that “they will be rescue from Sheol.”  A child who is not discipline grows up to be an adult who is not discipline.  And that is a scary sight to behold.  Have you ever seen a grown woman cry and whine  because she couldn’t get her way and her husband gives in because he doesn’t want her to make a scene?  Here is a woman who learned to get her way through crying and whining since childhood and was never corrected.  So she grows up and continues her obnoxious behavior.  It is really, really sad to see.  Why?  Because just like Peter Pan, she never grew up.  She is a just a baby in a big body.  

Summary conclusion:
A child does not know the right way to live.  He needs to be taught and trained and disciplined.  When a parent allows a child to have his way in life, that child is being set up for destruction.   If a parent loves his child, he must enforce discipline.  

Heb 12:5-8 AMP
“My son, do not make light of the discipline of the Lord,
And do not lose heart and give up when you are corrected by Him;
For the Lord disciplines and corrects those whom He loves,
And He punishes every son whom He receives and welcomes [to His heart].”

You must submit to [correction for the purpose of] discipline; God is dealing with you as with sons; for what son is there whom his father does not discipline? 8 Now if you are exempt from correction and without discipline, in which all [of God’s children] share, then you are illegitimate children and not sons [at all].

Matthew Henry concise commentary
God may let others alone in their sins, but he will correct sin in his own children. In this he acts as becomes a father. Our earthly parents sometimes may chasten us, to gratify their passion, rather than to reform our manners. But the Father of our souls never willingly grieves nor afflicts his children. It is always for our profit. Our whole life here is a state of childhood, and imperfect as to spiritual things; therefore we must submit to the discipline of such a state. When we come to a perfect state, we shall be fully reconciled to all God's chastisement of us now. God's correction is not condemnation; the chastening may be borne with patience, and greatly promote holiness. Let us then learn to consider the afflictions brought on us by the malice of men, as corrections sent by our wise and gracious Father, for our spiritual good.

Miyagi’s commentary
Just as we are commanded to discipline our children for their good, God disciplines us too when we are astray.  He will bring correction because He loves us and desires that we live and walk in wisdom.  If we were not legitimate children of God, He would not bother.  But because we are, He takes the time to bring correction.  We do well when we embrace God’s correction.  For when we receive God’s correction and we learn from it, we will become holy in His eyes.  Holiness is the goal in this life.  It far outweighs happiness.  

How to live a disciplined life?
Start by daily prayer, meditation and study.  The Word of God is the best place to start.  When we spent time with God and His word on a regular basis, we shall live a disciplined life and holiness will be the fruit of that discipline.  

What affects holiness in a person?
The company he keeps, the choices he makes and the lack of the fear of the Lord.  These are some things that affects a person’s holiness.  

Summary conclusion:
Discipline is absolutely necessary to generate holiness.  It is for our benefit.  God desires that we live with wisdom.  And discipline is required to bring forth wisdom.  

The big picture:
If you are part of God’s family, then discipline will come.  Embrace it.  
It will save you from eternal damnation and it will make bright joy to your Father.

The byword:
Receive God’s discipline and grow in wisdom and holiness.
Reject it and become a wild animal.

So what will it be?  


Monday, February 22, 2016

The Rewards of Humility

Proverbs 22:4 amp
The reward of humility [that is, having a realistic view of one’s importance] and the [reverent, worshipful] fear of the Lord
Is riches, honor, and life.

Matthew Henry concise commentary
Where the fear of God is, there will be humility. And much is to be enjoyed by it; spiritual riches, and eternal life at last.

Miyagi’s commentary
If a person has the fear of the Lord, he has humility.  Therefore, those who are prideful and arrogant lack this fear of the Lord and forfeit all the benefits that comes with having humility such as riches, honor and eternal life.  God desires that His people walk with humility and He blesses those who do so.  But man tries to gain all these benefits through deceitful means when all they have to do is just be humble.  That is the easier way.  

Summary conclusion:
God rewards the humble, those who has a realistic view of themselves.  The proud, on the other hands, brings destruction to themselves because they have an unrealistic view of themselves...thinking they are better than everyone else.  

Luke 18:14 AMP
…..for everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but he who humbles himself [forsaking self-righteous pride] will be exalted.”

Matthew Henry concise commentary:
Let us beware of presenting proud devotions to the Lord, and of despising others. The publican's address to God was full of humility, and of repentance for sin, and desire toward God. His prayer was short, but to the purpose; God be merciful to me a sinner.  And God's glory is to resist the proud, and           give grace to the humble. Justification is of God in Christ; therefore the self-condemned, and not the self-righteous, are justified before God.

Miyagi’s commentary:
How difficult it is for man to “forsake self-righteous pride.”  In this society, people boast of pride.  Everyone wants to be the best and brightest in the crowd.  All wants to stand out and be number one.  To take the position of humility is far and few in between.  But Jesus honors the humble and exalts them.  And He resists the proud.  So the Lord values the very thing that the world despises, which is humility.  Interesting how the world’s view of what is important is totally upside down.  What God values, this world despises.  

So humility is the result of the fear of the lord and the consequences of having the fear of the Lord are riches, honor and life.  The presence of a humble attitude gives way to a teachable and discipline spirit.  So we do well to be humble, and teachable in the ways of God.  

Summary conclusion:
Humility and pride are polar opposites.  One is rewarded by God while the other is punished by God.  Humility brings true rewards while pride brings destruction.  To choose humility is the way of wisdom.   Yet so many foolish people today are still holding on to their pride.

The big picture:
We seek to be humble, but we can never claim to have arrived.  Because humility is a funny thing.  Once you think you have it, you don’t.  

The byword:

When in doubt, take the humble route…. because humility always wins.  

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Let God toot your horn

Let God toot your horn

Proverbs 20:6
Many a man proclaims his own loyalty and goodness,
But who can find a faithful and trustworthy man?

Matthew Henry concise commentary
It is hard to find those that have done, and will do more good than they speak, or care to hear spoken of.

Miyagi’s commentary
Most people like to boast about their accomplishments.  Seldom do we find a person who does countless good for the Lord and remain silent.  Man has this innate need for approval and acceptance.  Somehow, many want to look good in the eyes of man.  But one thing that is more important is to be holy in the eyes of God.   Since God is the One who rewards faithfulness and good behaviors, we ought to seek His approval, not man’s.  We are to work hard and make sure that God is pleased with our labor, not man.  For man to toot his own horn is nothing.  But if God were to toot that person’s horn, it is quite a different matter.  

Summary conclusion:
In all that we do for the Lord, let us work in humble silence and just be a living example for the world.  There is no need to toot our own horn.   God sees all things and shall reward us accordingly.

Psalm 37:5-6
5 Commit your way to the Lord;
Trust in Him also and He will do it.

6 He will make your righteousness [your pursuit of right standing with God] like the light,
And your judgment like [the shining of] the noonday [sun].

Miyagi’s commentary
Here, we are reminded that God is the One who will make the righteous shine.  This Scripture says “like the noonday sun” which means for the world to see.   Everyone can toot their own horn and many still do today.  But when God toots your horn, it will be as loud as a bell.   God is the One who exalts the humble.  He is the rewarder of faithfulness and diligence.  

Summary conclusion:
Is God blessed by the things we say and do?  Faithful performance and execution of His word is wisdom.  So we commit our ways to the Lord.  It is all about Him.  So if we execute His word and commit to that work on a daily basis, the horn will toot automatically.

The big picture:
When a person commits his ways to God, he is letting God be in control of his life.  He is submitting his will unto the Lord.  And when a person does this, God is pleased and He shall reward him openly.  
The byword:

When we make God shine in this world, His glory will be shown through us.  


Thursday, February 18, 2016

When is Forgiveness Afforded?

When is forgiveness afforded?

Proverbs 17:9  AMP
He who covers and forgives an offense seeks love,
But he who repeats or gossips about a matter separates intimate friends.

Matthew Henry concise commentary
The way to preserve peace is to make the best of everything; not to notice what has been said or done against ourselves.

Miyagi’s commentary
Many people are concern with what others are saying about them.  This is so because they want to look good in the eyes of man.  They will jump over mountains to defend their reputation and protect their pride.  They do this because they value self more than anything or anyone else.   

Some prayer meetings are notorious for gossips.  They bring up people’s problems so that everyone can “pray about it.”  So in a group setting, they have discussions about someone’s problem.  It becomes a gossip session.  And people who gossip are actually busybodies who has too much time on their hands.  They have nothing productive to do, so they meddle in other people’s business.  The church is filled with these types of people.

So the ones who go about peddling information gain confidentiality.  They are evil and are used by the devil to bring division and confusion.  There are many busybodies who go around like tale bearers, and reveals this occasion to elevate himself.

“I already went through that.  So I am not where you are at.”  These type of statements are used to push down others to lift self up.  The slander and murmur will eventually come back to that person.  So when a person thinks that he is something great, eventually he will be humbled and chopped down to size.  Anyone walking around with this attitude of superiority shall be humbled by God because this attitude causes division in the Body of Christ.  We must avoid people with critical spirits, and judgemental attitudes, who are quick to point out the speck in other people’s eyes but are completely blind to their own.

People who are legalistic, critical and who instigates sword fights will be judged in like manner.  The Sword is to be taken out against evil, not your own brother in Christ.  Thus, argumentative, prideful people become defensive and reactive, using the word of God to chop down others.  But guess what, they will eventually be chopped down to size by God.

Jesus Christ is the head of the Body of Christ.  We are to put our faith and trust in Him.  When a person strikes a brother in Christ, he is actually judging Jesus.  One needs to be careful with that.  Otherwise, at the next annual doctor’s visit, judgement may be manifested in that medical report.  And that would be the indicator of where the soul is at.   So for those who are still laughing and having a light attitude towards judging others, watch out.   

Summary conclusion:
If a brother offended us and he repents, we are to forgive him.   If he doesn’t repent, then we are not obligated to forgive him and we have no fellowship with him.

Luke 17:3-4 Amplified Bible (AMP)
3 Pay attention and always be on guard [looking out for one another]!If your brother sins and disregards God’s precepts, solemnly warn him; and if he repents and changes, forgive him. 4 Even if he sins against you seven times a day, and returns to you seven times and says, ‘I repent,’ you must forgive him [that is, give up resentment and consider the offense recalled and annulled].”

Miyagi’s commentary
If a brother sins against you seven times and repents, seven times you forgive him.  There should be ashes and sackcloth because he not only offended you but also offended the Lord Jesus Christ.  And God sees all things and man needs to account for everything he says.  If a person is truly sorrowful for an offense, it will show.  Mere words is not enough.  So forgiveness and repentance are related to one another.  Forgiveness is only afforded where there is repentance.

How do we apply this without supporting bad behavior?
Without physical evidence of true repentance, there is no forgiveness.  There are fun-loving, social churches in this world that is more like a social club than a church.  The pastors in these churches will say something like this … “we are all sinners, but we are under grace.”  This type of lukewarm church is neither hot nor cold.  It will dilute everything for the sake of not offending anyone, and that is the prevalent spirit of today.  The pastor will say “we are supposed to forgive” but he has no knowledge of what that really means.  We must go to God’s word to see what He means by forgiveness.

Forgiveness without repentance is false teaching.  If a person continues to make light of the subject of forgiveness and keep grieving the Holy Spirit, there is the danger of falling out of grace.  If the Holy Spirit reveals that an offense is a violation and that person continues to make light of it, he will be on the edge of falling out of grace. If it is an offense against a brother, the Lord and the Holy Spirit, one must know and understand what it really means regarding an offense.  An offense against God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit have different meanings.   The statement “please forgive me” are cheap talk.  It has no substance.  It is too casual. God will keep an account of everything.  So though our devotionals may sound directional and correctional, the purpose is to stir the waters.  But nevertheless, the truth needs to be told.

When people go to church, they are there to receive the Word of God.  They should leave the church different with new revelation.  The Word of God must be convincing.  It should pierce the heart and cause true repentance.  If the soul is tied up with the world, the message becomes difficult to communicate and received.  
Jude 1:22-23 AMP
22 And have mercy on some, who are doubting; 23 save others, snatching them out of the fire; and on some have mercy but with fear, loathing even the clothing spotted and polluted by their shameless immoral freedom.

There is simply no blanket forgiveness for sin.  WE contend with that  which is evil so that we will not abuse the grace.  The Word of God is a double edged sword.  On one side, there is grace and mercy.  On the other side, there is righteousness and judgement.  If there is no true repentance, forgiveness is not afforded.
Matthew 18:15-17 (AMP)
15 “If your brother sins , go and show him his fault in private; if he listens and pays attention to you, you have won back your brother.16 But if he does not listen, take along with you one or two others, so that every word may be confirmed by the testimony of two or three witnesses.17 If he pays no attention to them [refusing to listen and obey], tell it to the church; and if he refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a Gentile (unbeliever) and a tax collector.
“If he hears you” indicates repentance.   Before we forgive and overlook an offense, we go to God first.  We go to this passage in Matthew 18 and ask God to help us address a particular situation.  We must be able to discern the rightful application of forgiveness.   This application of forgiveness must be discerned by the Holy Spirit and the Word of God for any particular situation.  There is no such thing as a blanket forgiveness for all situation.  Blanket forgiveness without discernment is foolishness.  There are busybodies in the church who are quick to judge, who look for specks in other people’s eyes, and who gossips and they are being used by the devil to cause division.  This is the Body of Christ, the universal church.  And Jesus Christ is the judge, not the senior pastor.  And those without the Word and the Spirit will not be able to discern what the Spirit is saying.

A brother should be in prayer for another brother in sin, not talk about it and bring gossip.  A brother in Christ would intercede for that brother.  The battle is not against flesh and blood.  If he is in the Spirit, he will battle principalities, powers and rulers of darkness for that brother.  

Is judging an expression of forgiveness?
What does the Word say about forgiveness according to Jesus?

Summary conclusion:
The way of love is to forgive an offense.  But if the offender does not repent, then we are to keep our distance.  That is the way of peace.  

The big picture:
Sometimes, we overlook an offense.  And other times, we address it head on.  The Holy Spirit will show us when to do which as we seek Him for guidance.  

The byword:

If forgiveness was afforded to everyone in all situations, then there would be no need for repentance.


Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Why would a good God create evil?

February 16, 2016

Why would  a good God create evil?

Proverbs 16:4  AMP
The Lord has made everything for its own purpose,
Even the wicked [according to their role] for the day of evil.

Matthew Henry concise commentary
God makes use of the wicked to execute righteous vengeance on each other; and he will be glorified by their destruction at last

Miyagi’s commentary
People always ask the question “why would a good God create evil to exist on earth” or “why would a good God allow evil to happen?”  God is sovereign.  And He creates  all things to accomplish His purposes on this earth.  If there was no choice for evil on this earth, then we would not know that He is a good God.  We know God is good because He is triumphant over all evil in heaven and on earth.   Both angels and humanity were created with the agency of free will.  That means, one can choose good or evil.  The angel Lucifer made a choice for evil when his pride rose up in heaven against God and that is why he was kicked out of heaven and his name changed to satan.  And even today, many people are making choices for evil over good.

God desires that we love Him from our hearts.  If there was no choice for evil, then all of us will be like robots, doing what He wants because there is simply no other options.  But this way, having both the choices of good and evil, when we choose good, we are choosing God and that delights God to no end.  God will use the evil on earth to accomplish his purposes.  All wicked people shall be destroyed one day.  None will go unpunished.  It is just a matter of when, not if.   So those who make a daily choice for Jesus Christ and His righteousness do well.

Summary conclusion:
God desires that we choose Him and we choose good over evil.  But He will not force us to make that decision.  Simply put, if we choose good, we are blessed.  If we choose evil, we are punished.  Nevertheless, we have the agency of choice.

Psalm 37:27 AMP
Depart from evil and do good; And you will dwell [securely in the land] forever.

Matthew Henry concise commentary
The Lord our God requires that we do justly, and render to all their due. It is a great sin for those that are able, to deny the payment of just debts; it is a great misery not to be able to pay them. He that is truly merciful, will be ever merciful. We must leave our sins; learn to do well, and cleave to it. This is true religion.

Miyagi’s commentary
To do good is a requirement from the Lord.  To do otherwise is direct disobedience.  God desires that we obey Him from free will.  But He will not force us to do so.  

Summary conclusion:
God is the creator of heaven and earth.  So all this belong to Him.  He has created good and evil for His purposes.  Our part is to choose good over evil, not to question God of His creation.

The big picture:
The wicked have made a choice for evil.  Not only are they doomed but damned.  They have no position and standing with the Lord God Almighty.  The Lord is still gracious and merciful.  He desires that none perish but all come to repentance.

God is all wise and knows what He is doing.  Creating evil was not a mistake or accident.  God is using evil to fulfill His purpose right now on earth. And in the end, He wins.

The byword:
God  purposely presents two options for us: good and evil.  Which will you choose?


Monday, February 15, 2016

Which do you value more.....soul or body?

Feb 15, 2016

The soul vs. the body

Proverbs 15:32 AMP
He who neglects and ignores instruction and discipline despises himself,
But he who learns from rebuke acquires understanding [and grows in wisdom].

Matthew Henry concise commentary
Sinners undervalue their own souls; therefore they prefer the body before the soul, and wrong the soul to please the body

Miyagi’s commentary
The KIng James Version of this verse says that ‘He that refuseth instruction despiseth his own soul, but he that heareth reproof getteth understanding.”  There are many people in this world who do not value their own souls.  Instead, they value their bodies.  They put all their time, money and energy in improving the body such as keeping the skin smooth, the muscles strong, the fat trimmed, and the face pretty.  But they do next to nothing to care for their souls.  The physical body will last about 80 years on this earth and then it will be gone, but the soul last forever.  That is what we need to cherish and take care of.  

When a person dies, his soul does not die.  It either goes to be with Christ to have eternal life with Him, or it goes to the Lake of Fire to have eternal punishment.  But the soul does not die.  This is why Jesus came to die for humanity.  He desires that the souls of man be saved from eternal damnation.  The soul is more valuable than the body.  But the devil has so blinded the eyes of the masses that they put all their time and money into the body and totally neglects their souls.  

Often times, you can see people who have worked hard to train up their bodies, exercising rigorously, eating healthy, getting enough rest.  All this is important to maintain good health.  But when you look into their eyes, it is hollow...empty.  So though they have a pretty shell on, there is nothing inside.  The body will not last forever.  The soul will last forever.  So which is more valuable?  And which should we spent more time and energy to care for?

And how do we value our souls?  We dwell in the Word of God.  We stay in the straight and narrow.  We adhere to the good and abhor evil.  We live committed to Christ Jesus all the days of our lives.  That is loving the soul.  

Summary conclusion:
To have long life is futile if Jesus is not part of your life. because all you are doing is pleasing the flesh.  So instead of working to add more years into one’s life, we ought to be more concern with adding more life to our years.  That is, more life with Christ.

Psalms 19:7  AMP
The law of the Lord is perfect (flawless), restoring and refreshing the soul; The statutes of the Lord are reliable and trustworthy, making wise the simple.

Psalms 41:4 AMP
As for me, I said, “O Lord, be gracious to me; Heal my soul, for I have sinned against You.”

Miyagi’s commentary
When a person sins, it is because his soul is sick.   And God is the only One who can heal the soul.  Only He can restore and refresh the soul.  

Matt 6:25 AMP
“Therefore I tell you, stop being worried or anxious (perpetually uneasy, distracted) about your life, as to what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, as to what you will wear. Is life not more than food, and the body more than clothing?

Matt 16:26 AMP
For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world [wealth, fame, success], but forfeits his soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?

So while people strive to meet their physical needs such as food and clothing, the needs of the soul is neglected on a regular basis.  All attention is now on the body and none goes to the soul.  The devil wants man to worship anything but God.  And for man to focus totally on his bodily needs, the devil has succeeded in directing a person to worship his own body...himself.  At that moment, man becomes his own god.

King James Bible commentary 1187
For a person to set his heart on material possession is to live in constant, perpetual insecurity and to deprive oneself of spiritual blessings. The spiritual must be established first, rooted and grounded because the Lord’s prayer says “Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.”

The spiritual must take precedence over the physical.  So if one is focused only on the material world, he is losing his soul and his salvation.  The enemy of our souls wants us to make soul ties with the things of the world.  So as a person buys into it, he is giving up his soul and losing his soul.  He is losing his faith and confidence in God and losing his trust in Christ Jesus. Therefore, the lack of faith in Christ and trust in the Lord will lead to a life of constant anxiety.  This lack of faith in Christ coupled with trust in material possession is sin.

Summary conclusion:
The soul is much more valuable than the body.  But most people have bought the lie that the body is most important.  Therefore, all the energy and money goes into preserving the body while the soul is slowly slipping away.  When a person dies, the physical body goes back into the earth.  What will become of his soul?  

The big picture:
Invest in the soul, not in the body.  It is the wiser thing to do.  Make sure when you leave this earth, your soul will be with Christ.  You cannot take your earthly body with you.  So ease up on the cosmetics and fashions.  You cannot take any of that with you.

The byword:
At the end of your life on earth
what happens to the body and soul?
If the body returns back to dirt

where then will your soul go?
