May 30, 2013
Aldwin and Wendy Naruse
The Body of Christ Jesus Fellowship
Makaha, HI USA
Watch the Tongue
In the preceding Bible study, we will demonstrate and show how the scripture together with other secondary literature support and fit with the advancement and theme of “Watch the Tongue.” Specifically, the theme will be divided into four cross references. The first key word was to address the word “keep” and how that ties into the main text. Other keywords are “tongue,” “soul,” and “troubles. (Miyagi)
These cross references included in careful analysis in the explanation of the power of the tongue and to include research on commentaries and to include insightful application and reflection are the major elements of this composition. Moreover, this paper will form a mental picture for the reader to visualize the specific components, which is
(1) the tongue as the broadcaster
(2) the mouth as the loud speaker
(3) the soul as the person’s life and the condition subsequent of choices and its meanings and purposes of the practices of choice that troubles the soul. (Miyagi)
And finally, this paper will reveal that inasmuch as that the mouth and tongue causes trouble to the soul, the deeper revelation knowledge is that if we guard our mouth and control our tongue, we will keep our soul from trouble. That is the revolving door. It addresses the symptoms and not the problem. The problem herein lies not with so much the tongue and the mouth. It lies in the condition of the heart. (Miyagi)
And finally, this paper will carefully explain and apply this passage selection which is proverbs 21:23. This paper will be giving attention to the detail of context and explanation of any concluding opinions. this paper will be faithful in keeping the meaning of the passage and will do more than just a paraphrase. The research and writing requirements will be under the generally accepted writing guidelines in accordance with the universal underwriting standards. (Miyagi)
Proverbs 21:23 KJV
Whoso keepeth his mouth and his tongue keepeth his soul from trouble .
1 Tim 5:17-25 NKJV (keep)
17 Let the elders who rule well be counted worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in the word and doctrine.
18 For the Scripture says, “You shall not muzzle an ox while it treads out the grain,”[a] and, “The laborer is worthy of his wages.”[b]
19 Do not receive an accusation against an elder except from two or three witnesses.
20 Those who are sinning rebuke in the presence of all, that the rest also may fear.
21 I charge you before God and the Lord Jesus Christ and the elect angels that you observe these things without prejudice, doing nothing with partiality.
22 Do not lay hands on anyone hastily, nor share in other people’s sins; keep yourself pure.
23 No longer drink only water, but use a little wine for your stomach’s sake and your frequent infirmities.
24 Some men’s sins are clearly evident, preceding them to judgment, but those of some men follow later.
25 Likewise, the good works of some are clearly evident, and those that are otherwise cannot be hidden.
Proverbs 15:1-2 NKJV (tongue)
1 A soft answer turns away wrath,
But a harsh word stirs up anger.
2 The tongue of the wise uses knowledge rightly,
But the mouth of fools pours forth foolishness.
3 John 1:2-4 NKJV (Soul)
2 Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. 3 For I rejoiced greatly when brethren came and testified of the truth that is in you, just as you walk in the truth. 4 I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.
Psalm 143:9-12 NKJV (troubles)
9 Deliver me, O Lord, from my enemies;
10 Teach me to do Your will,
For You are my God;
Your Spirit is good.
Lead me in the land of uprightness.
11 Revive me, O Lord, for Your name’s sake!
For Your righteousness’ sake bring my soul out of trouble.
12 In Your mercy cut off my enemies,
And destroy all those who afflict my soul;
For I am Your servant.
Keyword definition:
Keepeth = holding or observing something firmly
tongue = the organ of speech
soul = the immaterial part of man
troubles = that which causes concern or distress
(Open Bible)
Keyword definition:
keep - to fulfill, to observe
tongue - the power of communication
soul - the moral and emotional and spiritual nature of human beings.
troubles - an instance of distress or annoyance
(Merriam-Webster dictionary)
According to the Open Bible and the Webster’s Dictionary,
the word “keep” means to observe firmly
the word “tongue” means the organ of speech with the power of communication
the word “soul” means the spiritual part of man
the word “troubles” means distress
Keeping purity -1 Tim 5:22
1 Tim 5:17-25
17 Let the elders who rule well be counted worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in the word and doctrine.
18 For the Scripture says, “You shall not muzzle an ox while it treads out the grain,”[a] and, “The laborer is worthy of his wages.”[b]
19 Do not receive an accusation against an elder except from two or three witnesses.
20 Those who are sinning rebuke in the presence of all, that the rest also may fear.
21 I charge you before God and the Lord Jesus Christ and the elect angels that you observe these things without prejudice, doing nothing with partiality.
22 Do not lay hands on anyone hastily, nor share in other people’s sins; keep yourself pure.
23 No longer drink only water, but use a little wine for your stomach’s sake and your frequent infirmities.
24 Some men’s sins are clearly evident, preceding them to judgment, but those of some men follow later.
25 Likewise, the good works of some are clearly evident, and those that are otherwise cannot be hidden.
What God is telling the believer is to be careful to not share in the sins of others. God is telling the believer to keep pure. We are not to be hasty in putting people into ministry who is not qualified. If the believer has not gone through the sanctification process and is still in sin, he is not qualified for ministry. And those who put him in ministry will be sharing in that believer’s sin and will be guilty of the same sin, whether they realize it or not. (Marshall)
God is cut and dry in regards to purity. Purity is defined as “uncontaminated with dross of evil.” (Open Bible) There is no middle ground. God commands His children to remain pure. That is why we are to separate ourselves from satan, sin, self (the flesh) and the world. Light and darkness cannot have fellowship. God hates sin and will never fellowship with someone who continues in sin. The sinful believer will be separated from God. Either he chooses God or he chooses sin. He cannot have both.
I know of a pastor who is contaminated with sin. He is in bondage to food. He walks around with a big gut belly. You cannot hide a gut belly. That is plain evidence of the sin of gluttony. He goes to church every Sunday and prays for people, even little children. Because he is in sin, when he lays hands on others, he is contaminating the people. Because he is impure and unclean, he is transferring his sin onto the little children. He is a contaminated and diseased vessel. Our bodies should be holy and sanctified unto the Lord to be ready for His service. One of the main requirements is our daily due diligence is to keep our spirit, mind, and body pure before the Lord so that we can be used by Him. We cannot be flagrant in sin. For our body is the temple of God. As He is holy, we must be holy also. (Miyagi)
So in reference to this contaminated pastor, he is not blessing the people. He is cursing them. Be careful who you allow to lay hands on you in church. Do you want someone like that to lay hands on your child and contaminate your child with his sin? Not all pastors or ministers are as pure as they appear. Many are in bondage to their own fleshly appetites and they see the congregation as a means to fulfill their fleshly appetites. They abuse their position and authority in the church and instead of caring for the sheep. They slaughter the sheep to feed their belly. “Their appetites are being satisfied at church.” (Miyagi)
I heard a pastor once say “If you don’t hug and kiss in our church, we will have a problem. “ What he was saying, “At this church, we condone these activities.” Another pastor at another player church said ,”Oh, you don’t know how much you have bless me. “ And this was right after he helped himself with a full-frontal hug from a sister. Still at another church, we heard one usher say to another usher “ I love to be a greeter at this church. I love those hugs that I have been getting.” So these player churches use the word of God as a means to attract unaware and gullible people who is actually coming to the house of the devil instead of the house of God. (Miyagi)
Have you ever heard a pastor tell the congregation “before you sit down, find five people and give them a Christian hug?” What this really means is that this gesture of hugging, whether it be with a married or unmarried person, is creating a soul tie. And these soul ties draws them back to the church for more and more. It is an addiction not for drugs, but for hugs which stirs up the flesh which makes the flesh feel good. Those warm hugs, body to body, stimulates the senses. It has no God in it. It is all flesh. The pastors use the verse “Well Paul said to greet one another with a holy kiss.” They use this verse out of context all the time. If they were to study the custom and practices of the times when Paul wrote this verse, it is totally different. “The holy kiss” means for a brother in Christ to give another brother in Christ a kiss on the cheeks as a form of greeting in the church. This is a kiss shared only between brother and brother. Today, many Arab countries as you will see in the news that men will kiss each other as a form of greeting. The holy kiss is to keep the brethren pure in their greeting and salutation. It is only shared between men. But most pastors have taken this “holy kiss” out of context and used their position to lord it over the flock. And so, church members who don’t know the Bible and rely on second-hand revelation would submit to what the pastor said. However, in reality, many women feel violated but they keep silent for the sake of peace. (Miyagi)
Husbands, on the other hand, are so passive and blind that they would allow another man to hug and touch their wives. Husbands today are so ignorant to the devil’s schemes and blinded and fooled. These pastors are very carnal and are abusing the office of pastor. God knows and sees all and they will not escape God’s judgement. (Miyagi)
The church of Jesus Christ should bring healing and deliverance. They should come in one way but leave the church different. They should come to church with the expectation of having communion with the Lord Jesus. They should not be used as playthings to satisfy the fleshly appetites of carnal church leaders and ushers. (Miyagi)
So according to the apostle Paul in this passage in the book of 1 Timothy 5, he is writing to this young pastor, named Timothy to give him instructions regarding verse 22....Keep thyself pure.... If the church has no discernment and they suddenly ordain and appoint men into leadership position, the church is in danger of sharing the sins of these men. Ordaining an elder is a public declaration that this person’s life has met God’s standard of perseverance and he is godly as a vessel of honor for His service. Those ordain by the church as a leader must demonstrate a performance of consistency in faithfulness. In keeping oneself free and clear of all sin and compromise, he should demonstrate his love for the Lord with all of his heart, soul and might and love for his neighbor as himself. (Stamps)
Just because a person is a president or vice-president or a well-to-do community member, that does not qualify him to be ordained as an elder of the church. Many churches appoint quickly men into leadership position based upon their financial statements. Therefore, Paul is giving a set of instructions to Timothy about appointments of elders in the church. Today’s keyword of “keep” and how it applies in this context is that we must hold God’s purity as paramount importance in His service. If the church appoints men who has no spiritual integrity nor performance in Christ Jesus, the church becomes a partaker of his sin. Thus, the church is now polluted with leaders in position who comes as an impure, unclean vessel of sin. When these polluted leaders lay hands on gullible people, rather than blessing them, they are actually cursing them with sin. They are the carriers of the devil and not carriers of the Holy Spirit. How can the church carry out their calling as per Matthew 10:1 to bring healing and deliverance to those who are sick, ill, and are possessed by evil spirits. (Miyagi)
So, in this context, it is clear that we cannot be partakers of sin, be submitted to the church’s rules and regulations, be submitted to man’s philosophy, be obligated to cultural values and systems, follow what our grandparents said, or be in obligation to any cultures. Paul is saying “Keep yourself pure” which is to mean to refuse to become involved with unworthy worldly value systems. The only true value is the Lord Jesus Christ which is expressed in the Word of God in the Holy Scriptures. (MIyagi)
So the word “keep” which means to hold or observe something firmly means that we are to hold firmly our purity in the Lord. We are to hold firmly what comes out of our mouth and tongue to make sure that it is wholesome, edifying, comforting, and encouraging. We are warned by the Lord Jesus Christ according to the book of Matthew. Its not what goes in that defiles a man but what comes out. (Matt 15:11) So we know the condition of a leader by his fruits. The writer here in Proverb 21:23 (KJV) says “Whoso keepeth his mouth and his tongue keepeth his soul from troubles.” (Miyagi)
Jesus is talking to the multitude in Matthew. He is telling them to hear and understand it is not what goes in but what comes out of a man that defiles him. So how does a person keep himself pure? The answer is to watch your mouth and your tongue and then it will keep your soul from trouble and you will keep yourself pure. (Miyagi)
Paul was saying to Timothy to keep himself pure by watching his mouth and tongue because it will corrupt his soul. A person can corrupt his own soul by the words that come out of his mouth.
How does the word “tongue” tie in to the word “keep?”
Answer: Watch your mouth and watch your tongue. In doing so, you will keep your soul from trouble.
Whoso keepeth his mouth and tongue keepeth his soul from trouble. (Prov 21:23)
So there, in today’s study, we are to watch our tongue, be careful, and not be so hasty to appoint and ordain unworthy, hypocritical vessels into leadership positions at the church. The church of Jesus Christ must be preserved in righteousness, justice and truth. NO minister of God can say to the church that “we all sin. Its ok. No one is perfect.” Jesus Christ writes to the seven churches. He says “Beware, for the spirit of Laodicea has infiltrated the church and has set up many strongholds.” These churches have appointed leaders based on their wealth and position in society and not on their faithfulness in Jesus Christ. They are lukewarm, carnal and compromising. They will always rationalize and defend sin. They are rich and increase with goods and have need of nothing but they know not that they are poor, wretched, blind, and wicked. Their gluttonous appetite makes them sleepy. They are poor watchmans. They go to church to devour the sheep to feed their belly. Sexual sin is prevalent in lukewarm churches. To them, it is better to go to a Bible study than to a nightclub to hook up. At least, it gives the appearance of godliness but that too is from the pits of hell. (Miyagi)
Paul is warning Timothy to beware and don’t make mistakes. One of the major concerns of Paul to Timothy is to contend for the faith and refute false teaching that negates the power of Jesus Christ. He instructs him regarding the qualification for church leadership. Paul loves Timothy. He demonstrates this love by giving him a high standard of godliness for his life and the church. A person who does not care about another person will let that person do as he pleases. If parents today really love and care about their children, they will raise them up in the admonition of the Lord and not expect the schools to raise their children. It is the responsibility of the parent, not the school. (Miyagi)
God’s plan is for the family institution to raise up kids, not the public schools or the government. The public schools and the government are the Anti-Christ church. This is so because Jesus is not in it. Jesus is not the governor of the public schools and the government. The devil is the governor. Paul’s instruction emphasizes the value of the gospel of Jesus Christ. The keypoints are:
- the supreme value of the gospel of Jesus Christ
- the demonic influence behind corruption
- the holy calling of the church
- the high qualification God requires of His leaders
- specific directions of relating to both men and women of all ages (Miyagi)
God’s purity has no middle ground. Either you are pure or you are impure. Its black or white. Its yes or no. Its in or out. What say you?
We are to hold firmly to our purity. This means we ask God to purify our hearts daily because out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. So watch what you allow to go into your heart because eventually, it will come out of your mouth. It is just a matter of time. Church leaders who do not keep their mouth and tongue are not good keepers of their own souls. And if they cannot govern themselves first, how can they help others? So first thing first, look at and examine yourself first. Guard your heart and watch your tongue. We are to keep firmly the gospel of Jesus Christ. When we keep or hold or observe something firmly, we are holding onto that which is valuable and that is the gospel of Jesus Christ. Then we will be a blessing to the church and not mere trouble makers. We bring the good news to the church instead of bringing trouble to the souls of others or ourselves. (Miyagi)
What keeps a person’s tongue and soul from trouble?
Answer: The gospel of Jesus Christ. Whoever keeps the gospel of Jesus Christ keeps his tongue and soul from trouble. And not only that but he becomes a vessel of honor to keep others from trouble. As Paul is teaching Timothy, a young pastor, the pastors today can teach the way of Jesus Christ to the churches. The analogy here is the same. (Miyagi)
Wise tongue - Proverbs 15:2
Proverbs 15 (NKJV)
1 A soft answer turns away wrath,
But a harsh word stirs up anger.
2 The tongue of the wise uses knowledge rightly,
But the mouth of fools pours forth foolishness.
What God is showing the believer is that those who are wise will use their knowledge to edify others and to profit the kingdom of God. The tongue is to give seasonable instruction, counsels, and comforts with the expression of humbleness and love. When one uses his tongue to help and bless others, when he uses it the right way, to him who has, more shall be given to him. That means that he will be wiser still as the days go by. (Marshall)
When we use the tongue (or any other skills, talent, or resources) to bless others, we too will be blessed in return. Fools are not interested in learning. They think they know everything. They despised teachings from God’s word. They hate to be taught. They are only interested in venting out their useless and unsolicited opinions. They are true fools. A wise person, on the other hand, wants to learn more and be wiser still. Thus, his wisdom grows day by day because he has a teachable attitude. He loves knowledge and wisdom and thereby shall be rewarded with more knowledge and wisdom. The fool, on the other hand, will suffer because of his lack of knowledge on all matters.
We hear people make this statement all the time - “what you don’t know won’t hurt you.” This is a lie from the pits of hell. What you don’t know can hurt you. It can even kill you. People make light of ignorance. They think it is innocent. But ignorance is deadly dangerous. If you don’t know that you cannot mix electric with water, you will be electrocuted. If you don’t know to look both ways before crossing the street, you can and will be run over. If you don’t know that you cannot play with fire, you may burn down the house. If you don’t know that pride leads to destruction, you may become prideful and proud and God may have to do something to bring you to a place of humility because you did not know how to humble yourself.
King Uzziah is a classic example. In the book of 2 Chronicles, chapter 26, we read about him becoming king over Jerusalem at the early age of 16. He reigned for 52 years. In the beginning, he sought God earnestly, and as long as he sought the Lord, he prospered. God helped him win many wars. God helped him to become stronger and stronger. He became famous throughout the land. However, when he became exceedingly strong, he became prideful. He enter the temple of the Lord to burn incense on the altar of incense. The priest in the temple told him that he could not do that because he was not consecrated. They told him to leave the sanctuary. King Uzziah became furious. While he was raging at the priests, his forehead broke out in leprosy. And from that day, he became a leper until the day he died.
His life was divided into two parts. There were the years that he sought the Lord and there were the years that he was unfaithful to God. The Bible talks much about how a life with God results in prosperity. When a person fails to seek God, the result is spiritual decline and judgement. It is a deterioration over a function of time. A person refusing to serve God is really a person who wants to be god himself. He wants to call all the shots and make all the decisions. He doesn’t want to let God control his life. (Miyagi)
If a buddhist is born and dies a buddhist, that is call the sin of omission. He never knew God. But a believer who has confessed Jesus as Lord and then falls away by choice falls into judgement. What is the difference between a buddhist and a Christian? (Miyagi)
The difference is the buddhist didn’t know. He was blind all the way to the end. The believer’s eyes were opened at one time in his life and he chose to walk away. In other words, the believer sinned with his eyes opened. The buddhist was blind from birth to death, but the believer committed the sin of commission because he knew. He was shown the way. So the believer who walks away from Jesus will face the greater judgement. (Miyagi)
Many so-called believers go to church regularly and hear the Word of God being preached. But many choose not to obey. They treat church as a social club. They fail to take God seriously. If these so-called believers never come to the realization that they are only playing church and have no commitment toward the Lord Jesus, they will never see Heaven. They are headed for eternal damnation. Jesus has already paid the horrible price for all of humanity. He already provided the way for us to spend eternity with God. All we need to do is accept Jesus as Lord and live the rest of our lives for Him. But if we choose to reject Christ and follow the ways of the world or our own understanding, we will enter into God’s judgement. We will pay the ultimate price of eternal damnation.
So our main verse today in this Bible study which is Proverbs 21:23 - “Whoso keepeth his mouth and tongue keepeth his soul from trouble” ties in with this cross reference of Proverbs 15:2 nicely. “The tongue of the wise uses knowledge rightly” means that the wise will edify, comfort and encourage with their tongue. They will refrain from useless and vain words that do others damage. They will speak only when it is absolutely necessary and not spit out hurtful words like a raving lunatic.
Proverbs 15:2 shows the comparison and contrast between the wise tongue and the foolish tongue. The wise uses his tongue to bless, edify, comfort and encourage others. It also is used to bring direction and correction. The foolish uses his tongue to manipulate, curse, slander and destroy others. But as for me, I choose to use my tongue for good. I have made the choice to use it for God.
And so Jesus tells his disciple in Mark 16:16-17,
16 He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned. 17 And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues;
So if you are a believer in Christ and you have been baptized in Christ, you are not only saved but these signs will follow those who believe. They will cast out demons and speak with new tongue. If you say you believe and have confessed Jesus as Lord, there better not be anymore cynical, backbiting, and undermining talk. The tongue is one of the main indicator of the condition of a person’s heart. You cannot hide the tongue. It will eventually reveal what is in the heart. A person can play church and speak “Christianese,” but over a function of time, he will be found out. His tongue will give him away. It’s just a matter of time. (Miyagi)
The untamable tongue -James 3:1-12 NKJV
3 My brethren, let not many of you become teachers, knowing that we shall receive a stricter judgment. 2 For we all stumble in many things. If anyone does not stumble in word, he is a perfect man, able also to bridle the whole body. 3 Indeed,[a] we put bits in horses’ mouths that they may obey us, and we turn their whole body. 4 Look also at ships: although they are so large and are driven by fierce winds, they are turned by a very small rudder wherever the pilot desires. 5 Even so the tongue is a little member and boasts great things. See how great a forest a little fire kindles! 6 And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity. The tongue is so set among our members that it defiles the whole body, and sets on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire by hell. 7 For every kind of beast and bird, of reptile and creature of the sea, is tamed and has been tamed by mankind. 8 But no man can tame the tongue. It is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison. 9 With it we bless our God and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in the similitude of God. 10 Out of the same mouth proceed blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not to be so. 11 Does a spring send forth fresh water and bitter from the same opening? 12 Can a fig tree, my brethren, bear olives, or a grapevine bear figs? Thus no spring yields both salt water and fresh.[b]
What is the evil tongue?
The evil tongue is destructive, out of control and very deceptive. According to James 3, it blesses and curses. It is full of deadly poison. The evil tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity. It makes great boast. It is an unruly evil. It cannot be tamed.
How can you praise the Lord and curse man at the same time? This cannot be. Doing so means that you were never really born-again to begin with. Jesus Christ said if you believe in me and are baptized in me, you will speak with new tongues. There is a distinction between “speaking in tongues” and “speaking with a new tongue.” (Miyagi)
Speaking in tongues means that a person is speaking a language
given to him by the Holy Spirit. It is a language not understood by man. Speaking with a new tongue means a person is speaking a different foreign language that is understandable by man.
Prosperous Soul - 3 John 2
3 John 1:2-4 (NKJV)
2 Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. 3 For I rejoiced greatly when brethren came and testified of the truth that is in you, just as you walk in the truth. 4 I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.
The soul must be kept free and clear. The soul cannot thrive and express God if it is hindered by troubles of the tongue, wrong decisions, faulty thinking, idols, false promises and covenants. These will affect the soul negatively. the cross reference here that the apostle John is wishing and desiring is that we prosper and be in good health just as our soul prosper. This is his prayer request.. We must make decisions that affect the condition of our soul. One big problem is our mouth and tongue, even as the apostle John is praying that we may prosper, we make bad choices and we put ourselves in bad predicaments. We should never do anything to trouble our soul because it is the essence of our lives. (Miyagi)
So in this letter, Gaius is exalted and recommended to follow his example, his godly walk in truth. However, Diotrephes is described as one with the spiritual condition of pride. the words that come out of his mouth are malicious and will trouble his soul. He does not receive the brethren with hospitality, restricts them and kicks them out of the church. He is full of self love and likes to elevate himself to be superior and pre-eminent and boasting of his deeds. As we study and read the profiles of Gaius and Diotrephes, we can compare and contrast the two hearts. (Miyagi)
What comes out of Diotrephes’ mouth will trouble his own soul. We are to guard our hearts and tongue. Garbage will come out of a heart that is full of pride. If Christ is the focus and center, the fruits that come out of his mouth will be faithful and true to the brethren and to the stranger. Strangers bore witness to Gaius’ charity to the church. The main virtue of Gaius that the apostle John is praising him for is that he has been faithful in supplying food and lodging to the traveling missionaries. The traveling missionaries were so affected and impacted by his commitment of the mission cause of Jesus Christ that they spoke highly of his acts to the apostle John. (Stamps)
Gaius’ actions to these traveling ministers came from his love for Jesus Christ and the gospel because he is operating from the greatest commandment which is “Love the Lord with all your heart, soul and might.” He loves Jesus Christ so much up and above anything else that his expression to these travelers is the extension of his love for Jesus. They see Christ’s love in action in Gaius. So by this they too said that they are to receive this hospitality that they might be fellow helpers to the truth. They were ministered to and were impacted by Gaius’ action of love and faith. (Miyagi)
On the other hand, diotrephes who is a dictatorial leader is denounced for his pride. He manifested an attitude of rejecting the Apostle John, slandering him refusing to receive him and threatened to excommunicate him. He was the pre-eminence for himself. He needed to keep his castle key and will do whatever it takes to maintain his domain. (Miyagi)
Today, local churches will say that if you are not a registered local member of the church, you will be kept outside the church. They carry the same spirit as that of Diotrephes. They will always have an excuse of why they cannot allow you to minister in their church. Jesus Christ is the head of the Church, not the pastor. The reason why messengers appear in churches suddenly is because there is sin in that church. One of the main category of sin in the church is sexual immorality. The lust of the flesh and the pride of life are some examples. (Miyagi)
This a a letter of warning to all the rebellious leaders like Diotrephes. This current movement of spiritual pride is the spiritual decline among many pastors who think that they are the sole spiritual authority of the church. They have elevated themselves as something of God. No one in the church is allowed to share what God is saying, only the pastor is allowed. They are self-centered because they see themselves as the only spiritual authority and others are to submit to them as god. The church is forced to submit to second-hand revelation. Their Bible study is one-sided, making no room for interaction. (Miyagi)
Gaius is represented here as very faithful and hospitable to the people of God. He supports them. It is very hard to share with local pastors because they are so closed-minded and so fearful of losing their control and authority over the flock. The Apostle John makes reference to Demetrius who has a good report of all men. He operates in the truth. No controversy. His doctrine is of Jesus Christ and is not from any seminary. The record is clean and clear, without any controversy. There are many more things the Apostle Paul wants to write. He wants to see him face to face. (Miyagi)
Our letter of referral and introduction comes from the Holy Spirit. These letters of recommendation that has been written by the Apostle Paul is for us also. If the Holy Spirit bears witness with one another, we are in Christ and we do not need any man-made letters written on our behalf. (Miyagi)
According to Romans 8, the Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, heirs of God and joint heirs of Christ. If indeed we suffer with Him, we are glorified with Him.
Does the church bear witness that we are the children of God?
Where is the Holy Spirit operating?
Where is the spiritual discernment in these so-called leaders?\
Do they know that the traveling missionaries are of Christ?
Are they still blinded by the god of this age?
Why do they say things like “because you don’t belong to our church, we cannot allow you to serve in our ministries?”
Are they not just like Diotrephes?
In summary, if a person is not guided by the Holy Spirit, he cannot control his mouth and tongue. And if he cannot control his own mouth and tongue, he will affect his soul, just like Diotrephes, who is full of pride and rebellion. His soul was corrupted by his own mouth and tongue. If you follow the sequence, you will see insights that others won’t see. When I read it, I can see because of the Christ. There is no need for a seminary degree in Bible interpretation. The secret is in the Christ in you. (Miyagi)
So for a person to keep his soul free from trouble, he must guard and protect his mouth and tongue. The governor to keep his tongue under control is the Holy Spirit. So despite the Apostle Paul who desires that he may prosper, it is up to us to do our due diligence to keep it free and clear. The condition of the soul of Diotrephes is so obvious that he cannot hide. No one can hide what is in their heart. It will come out in the wash eventually. Today, may the local pastors keep their mouth and tongue. Beware, for the kingdom of God is at hand. (Miyagi)
God’s deliverance from trouble -
Psalm 143:9-12
New King James Version (NKJV)
9 Deliver me, O Lord, from my enemies;
10 Teach me to do Your will,
For You are my God;
Your Spirit is good.
Lead me in the land of uprightness.
11 Revive me, O Lord, for Your name’s sake!
For Your righteousness’ sake bring my soul out of trouble.
12 In Your mercy cut off my enemies,
And destroy all those who afflict my soul;
For I am Your servant.
What God is saying to the believer is that it is He and He alone who delivers our soul from troubles. It is God who brings comfort and restoration to our troubled hearts and our troubled souls.
God is able to deliver us from outward troubles, but He is also able to deliver us from inward troubles, the troubles of my heart, soul and spirit. In verse 11 of Psalm 143, David is asking the Lord to revive him or quicken him. The best saints often find themselves dull, and dead, and slow, and therefore pray to God to quicken them. (Marshall)
A person needs to guard his tongue and in doing so, he will keep his soul from trouble. If he doesn’t, there is no governing by the Holy Spirit and no discernment. He will bring trouble to his own soul. And so the psalmist David in this context says to God “quicken me, correct me by your Word for Your namesake, your righteousness sake. Save and deliver my soul from trouble. I have sinned and brought dishonor to the Lord by the words that I have spoken.”
The words that we say must be pleasing and acceptable to God. We represent Him in our family, friends, and our community. WE are to guard and protect what we say. The tongue is like a rudder on a ship. It is a very small instrument but yet very powerful. It can steer an entire ship. The mouth of the righteous person is like honey, very pleasant. But the tongue of the wicked is grievous. (Miyagi)
So quicken us for your name’s sake. Bring our souls out of trouble which we have created with our tongues. Lead and guide us and keep the Holy Spirit over our tongue. Keep us out of trouble for the enemy of our souls is the flesh. The enemies of our souls are the satan, sin, and ourselves. We are our worst enemies. If not for Christ, we will be in deep waters. (Miyagi)
When a person is out of control, such as being given over to the lust of the flesh, it becomes an addiction that the flesh has tasted, desired and now craves for with an insatiable appetite. This addiction could be power, pleasure, money, the world, and/or its system. These are all categories of enemies of the soul. The world offers delightful attractions that appease the flesh. The flesh is then enticed by the excitement and adventure that the world offers.. (Miyagi)
For example, a man goes out with his girlfriend. He hugs and kisses her. He likes the feel of her body. He likes the way she smells. He thinks about her all the time. People wants to “feel good” all the time. So he goes back to her to spend more time with her so that he can “feel good” again. This time, he wants more than just hug and kiss. He wants to have full blown sex. He is now lusting after her body. According to 1 John 2:16, it reads
16 For all that is in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—is not of the Father but is of the world.
Now he is sucked in by the pleasure of this world. He wants more and more and he cannot get enough. He is now hooked on the pleasure, the “feel good” and he does not and will not stop. The devil has given him a taste of the pleasures of this world and his flesh has taken over. Because he has been given over to the flesh, the devil now controls him, not God.
For as long as one chooses whom he serves and continues to give way to the desires of the flesh, he is no different from an unregenerate person, like an animal. He is being controlled by the appetites of the flesh. Our soul is troubled when we yield to the flesh because we are our worst enemies. When a person is facing some serious consequences of his choices, he bottoms out and there he should find God. A person in a prison cell, on his deathbed, in a hospital or becomes paralyzed in a freak accident usually bottoms out because he has nowhere else to escape to, nowhere to run to and hide. If at this point and he is still stubborn and refuses to turn his life completely over to God, then he remains lost and is destined for eternal damnation. He has lost his soul completely. (Miyagi)
Eventually, every tongue will confess and every knee shall bow to the Lord Jesus. So the wisdom from the Proverb is that while there is still an agency of choice, while there is still that freedom to choose before that freedom is taken away, guard your mouth and tongue and keep your soul from trouble. (Miyagi)
So do not come to this overwhelming point where there is no way out. The person who has reach the end has reached the bottom. Do not be so hardened and foolish to have to go to this extreme end. Repent and harden not your heart. While it is still called today, repent and turn to God. (Miyagi)
Do not be a damned fool that through continuous rebellion and rejection that the words that are expressed in actuality is making covenant with the enemy of our soul. The enemies of our soul are the flesh, the world and the devil. Watch what you say, watch what you confess, watch what you agree with because if it goes unchecked, you will be selling your soul to the devil and losing all hope of salvation. (Miyagi)
Warning: Do not harden your heart and become self-centered. Guard your mouth and tongue because you are making a confession, a covenant and an agreement that is binding to your soul. Your allegiance is determined by what you affirm. If Jesus Christ is not the Lord of your life, and you have not submitted your soul to this higher power call Jesus Christ, you are stupid, vulnerable, blind, miserable and wretched because you don’t realize that your soul is gone. Only Jesus can get your soul back. Only JESUS CHRIST can restore your soul. (Miyagi)
Psalm 143 addresses the soul in distress. The enemy of our soul is within. And those in denial will always point to some external thing or person to justify and blame for his choices. Repent and change your wicked ways before it is too late, before you find that black spot in your x-ray. (Miyagi)
In a desperate situation, the end result is an accumulation of the decisions made over a lifetime. So when a person faces this desperate situation, he has nowhere else to turn. The doctor may say that you have six months to live. Friends and family can only offer sympathy. The only true source of comfort and resolution is found in the God of the highest heaven in the third dimension. To enter His realm, one needs to confess and acknowledge the Lord Jesus Christ. Otherwise, it is a vain repetition when he utters “Oh God, help me.” The only entrance to have prayers heard and received is through Jesus Christ, God’s one and only begotten son. (Miyagi)
A person is out of order because of his pride. The world offers much glamour and deception for money, power, and pleasure. The world will say things like “live and let live,” or “you only have one life.” This big dilemma can only be resolved with a life of meaning and purpose with the Lord Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. So the words that come out are to be used for good and not evil, to comfort, to edify and exhort on his behalf. The tongue can bring life or death. It is powerful. Words can kill. Continue negative words that parents use on their children have damaging effect and we must advise others to be super careful to watch what they say to self, others and God. Words are that powerful. They can create and they can destroy. (Miyagi)
Psalm 37:30 NKJV
30 The mouth of the righteous speaks wisdom,
And his tongue talks of justice
The Psalmist reveals how the righteous must be when the unrighteous prospers. In spite of their evil ways, we must steadfastly preserved the faith. While waiting for God to bring justice and vindication for us. God is righteous and just. He will reward us and punish the wicked. (Stamps)
We must keep our hearts pure and thereby keep our mouth and tongue from defiling our soul. So the root cause is the tongue and the resolution of the root cause is the heart. So what keeps a person from defiling himself is that he keeps his heart pure. For out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. And when he guards what he says and guards what goes into his heart, he is actually guarding his soul from trouble. Isn’t the mouth the louder speaker and the tongue the broadcaster? And if the mouth is the loudspeaker and the tongue the broadcaster, then we will safeguard our soul from trouble when we have learned to guard our heart from all evil. In other words, the tongue is what troubles the soul. And what affects the tongue is the heart. Therefore, guard your heart. (Miyagi)
In summary, we must
- keep ourselves pure by separating ourselves from sin
- use our tongue for good and not for evil
- prosper our soul by staying in the Christ
- and refrain from defiling our soul by causing trouble with our tongues
IN conclusion, if the heart is pure, the tongue will speak righteously, and then the soul shall prosper. (Miyagi) If the heart is wicked, the tongue will speak unrighteously and the soul will be defiled.
Therefore, the way to keep our hearts pure is to stay one with Christ.
Work cited
Marshall, Howard I., A.R. Millard, J.I. Packer, and D. J. Wiseman. New Bible Dictionary. Downer's grove: Intervarsity Press, USA. 1996.
Miyagi, Miyagi’s commentary, The Body of Christ Jesus Fellowship, Makaha, HI 2013
Merriam-Webster, Merriam Dictionary and Thesaurus, Springfield: Merriam Webster Inc 1006
Publisher , The Open Bible Expanded Edition. Nashville: Thomas Nelson publisher, 1985.
Stamps, Donald C., The Full Life Study Bible King James Version, Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1992.